Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [be] [verb] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A TOWN 'S newest soccer league for youngsters is set to kick-off with a little help from the local beat bobby .
2 First , that any attempt to implement a Marxist economic programme even on a relatively modest scale in a country which still has a large degree of freedom is doomed to catastrophe .
3 Another stated objective of many case management services is the improvement of the client 's quality of life , and there are a great number of attempts being made to measure quality of life ( QOL ) ( Lehman et al. , 1986 ; Oliver , 1991 ) .
4 A number of teachers have of course been exposed to discovery methods , the principles of new maths and new science ; there is , however , a strong countervailing trend in which pupils know from their CPE texts what are the answers , the definitions of the scientific laws , and increasingly regard as a waste of time proving by rudimentary experiments what they already know .
5 And on the third day after his death the human body of Jesus , still reposing in the sanctity of the divine presence , was quickened by the Spirit and the person of Jesus of Nazareth was restored to life .
6 Another group of subjects were subjected to REM or Stage 4 sleep deprivation for three nights , and then deprived of sleep altogether for one night , again allowing a comparison of the effects of a four-day cumulation of loss of Stage 4 sleep with REM sleep .
7 It is not a region where costly Plans of Action are going to work .
8 At the same time ten battalions of Territorials were set to work building a new broad-gauge railway to Revigny .
9 With regard to the former , power in the sphere of circulation is linked to power in the sphere of production : the greater a group 's access to rewards in the latter , the greater its strength in the exchange processes .
10 Every new partner should ensure that his terms of partnership are reduced to writing .
11 A total of £427 was donated to Cancer Research in John 's memory .
12 This system ensured reasonably fair representation for each party , whilst preventing a large number of parties being elected to parliament .
13 The offence of murder is restricted to intent , and it would seem natural that recklessness as to the same consequences should amount to the lesser offence of manslaughter .
14 For homesexual males , the annual incidence of AIDS is expected to plateau in 1994 in line with a peak annual incidence of HIV infection in 1983–84 .
15 Such attitudes are often very difficult to shift and the therapist who forces an alternative view of management is doomed to failure .
16 Areas of contention were brought to light during the summit , however , notably Austria 's objections to the other countries ' reliance on nuclear power , and opposition by Italy to admitting other states ( specifically Poland ) to the group .
17 However , the prevalence of anxiety was related to class : 9 per cent of those from social classes 1 and 2 were defined as anxious compared with 19 per cent from classes 4 and 5 ( Victor 1989b ) .
18 At the town 's new cultural exhibition — the Sicilian Carousel — myths , legends history and people of the entire island of Sicily are brought to life through a unique blend of audio presentation and displays .
19 BELOW : Supplies of wood being allowed to season , prior to use at Woodchester Mill .
20 Thirty councillors from the London Borough of Poplar were sent to prison in 1921 for refusing to levy rate precepts for London County Council , the Metropolitan Police and the Metropolitan Asylums Board , in a protest against the unequal nature of the rates burden as between rich and poor areas of London .
21 The main side-effects of zidovudine are related to toxicity to bone marrow ( which makes blood cells ) , which may necessitate regular blood transfusions , reducing the dose or even stopping the drug .
22 More cases of abuse are coming to light , and children have to be protected ; some children have to be rescued from the living hell they have to endure .
23 The withdrawal of derogations was disclosed to Parliament by Junior Minister Colin Moynihan on 20 January the following year .
24 A certain amount of attention is paid to colonialism in seeking an explanation for the political power of the bureaucracy in post-colonial states , and in particular its ‘ overdevelopment ’ in relation to other political institutions , since the role assigned to bureaucracy under colonialism is widely reckoned to be responsible for its present dominance .
25 I can not find that it was undue influence of the kind which sapped her will and destroyed her volition , but I am satisfied that the pressure of her mother , the very presence of her mother , the mother 's fervent belief in the sin of blood transfusion , the patient 's desire to please her mother , despite their troubled relationship , all of this contributed to the focus of attention being drawn to blood transfusion before anyone else had ever contemplated its need .
26 In the ensuing wide-ranging discussion a lot of attention was given to child-care problems but these were rapidly relegated to being a symptom of something far more fundamental affecting women 's progression to the board : attitude .
27 Size of establishment is related to amount of systematic training undertaken , as is type of authority , partly because there is a relationship between type of authority and average size of establishment .
28 It can also act as a dilution guide , when the level of foam is related to concentration and as an activity indicator , whereby the formulation is adjusted so that when detergency is exhausted the foam collapses .
29 The 1977 Royal Commission on the Press found that for a quality newspaper , production costs accounted for 31% of total costs ; the next largest group of costs were attributed to newsprint and ink .
30 A great deal of importance is attached to planning and administration as it is seen as a time for problem-solving as opposed to task allocation .
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