Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Soil erosion is one of its many contradictions , and for reasons amply discussed in this book , it is one of the most diffuse and complex areas of analysis .
2 Another important aspect of assessment not addressed by this study is that of physical disorder .
3 Here I focus on the genealogy of two aspects of discrimination already addressed by this study , namely displacement between the political and the sexual , and the idea of perversion as an inimical absence .
4 Ben-Eliezer launched a review of contracts already signed for another 14,000 housing units , now in various stages of planning and construction .
5 Language work is of course already done in many schools .
6 Revenue patronage was of course normally restricted to those Scottish politicians friendly to the current administration , but even here there was something in private hands , although its importance was of diminishing value as the country became more prosperous .
7 d ) any increase attributable to the Act in the sums payable out of money so provided under any other enactment .
8 Resolved , That , for the purposes of any Act resulting from the Traffic Calming Bill , it is expedient to authorise the payment out of money provided by Parliament of any increase attributable to the Act in the sums payable out of money so provided under any other enactment .
9 The tendency of historians to play down the general effect of the Combination Laws seems rather insensitive to the feeling of oppression widely found in these manufacturing districts .
10 The day-to-day administration of the scheme which emerged — the collection of contributions and payment of benefits — was placed in the hands of organizations already experienced in such work : Friendly Societies , trade unions and certain commercial insurance companies .
11 This kind of statement , issued by a large and highly successful international publishing company could help to mitigate the sense of isolation often felt by those teachers attempting to tackle these issues , often in less than supportive circumstances .
12 Roughly speaking , the parts of England most affected by this type of planning form a great belt which sweeps round from Flamborough Head on the Yorkshire coast , down through the Midlands as far as the Dorset coast , and thence north-eastwards along the chalk uplands to the Norfolk coast .
13 At the time of his controversial dismissal from Manchester United , the News Of The World revealed that a team of private detectives , hired by a group of businessmen closely linked to some of the club 's directors , had been pursuing The Doc for nearly two years .
14 Second , I also knew that this disquiet existed alongside other more conventional attitudes which perfectly fitted the portrayal of parents usually found in that literature .
15 It is certainly true that states have in the past used methods and means of warfare not outlawed by any specific prohibition although running counter to general principles , and they have sought to justify this by reference either to the principle of reprisal or that of military effectiveness .
16 But Madam Speaker there are a number of questions specifically related to these orders that we need to address .
17 It has been suggested by McCullough ( 1981 ) that one of the problems in viewing old age constructively lies in the model of development customarily used by those who write about the life cycle .
18 The suspect in Jones , reported at [ 1984 ] Crim.LR. 357 and decided before PACE came into force , might well have been within the class of persons now entitled to this special protection .
19 A challenging game of strategy graphically portrayed in such detailed graphics as to leave me speechless .
20 Some of the woody lobelioids of Hawaii have thorns and toxins , apparently noxious to the type of herbivores not found in these islands , but possibly on the mainland where their ancestors came from .
21 The number of people officially registered in some of the flats may have been swelled by visitors from neighbouring apartments .
22 And Waxman 's Carmen Fantasy takes on a dimension of passion rarely heard in such an undisguised pot-pourri entertainment .
23 In the previous year , Central Office wished to promote Captain Edwards , the chief agent for Birmingham , to be a Central Office district agent , but they were thwarted by the Chamberlains , who wished to keep him to look after Birmingham ; Neville Chamberlain arranged to have Edwards paid enough in Birmingham to keep him there and the interests of Birmingham thus prevailed over those of the party as a whole .
24 Such was their isolation that their way of life hardly reflected at all the kind to be found just a dozen miles away .
25 Sorry , then , for those gallons of petrol fruitlessly spent in such a barren zone .
26 I was , however , systematic about the 30 or so in-depth interviews that I conducted on a random sample basis by allocating each member of the movement in Britain a number which had an equal chance of being selected from a book of numbers especially prepared for such purposes .
27 There also appears to have been some confusion over photo credits : the colour photo on page 507 was actually taken by this reviewer , but is one of a number of photos incorrectly credited to another person .
28 In British public schools , for instance , not only are the majority of pupils deliberately drawn from that small section of British society committed to the standards which the public school promotes , but teaching staff are similarly rigorously selected , not merely on the basis of academic competence , but also on the basis of the extent to which they have successfully internalised the standards they are expected to foster among their pupils .
29 A straggling line of men feverishly passed to each other splashing pails of water from a roadside pump where a perspiring youth , naked to the waist , was madly working the handle to keep the chain of buckets supplied .
30 The inclusion of incentives judiciously applied to several parameters will reduce the danger .
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