Example sentences of "[noun sg] can [be] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 An analogy can be made with the push-down stack of plates in a cafeteria or ( as in the KDF9 manual ) with the magazine of a Sten gun .
2 An analogy can be drawn with the notion of mutations in genetics .
3 An analogy can be drawn with the judiciary , which is often involved in ‘ interpreting ’ Acts of Parliament in terms of Parliament 's intention .
4 This result can be compared with the Newtonian equation for orbits in the gravitation potential of a mass M : .
5 This result can be compared with the exact expression obtained by Hawking .
6 How little pacifist or humanitarian feeling was behind such notions is revealed by the concluding remark that ‘ it is only worth while waging war if the enemy can be destroyed with the first blow , which we did not manage . ’
7 This figure can be redrawn with the maturity on the horizontal axis to show the negative relationship between volatility and maturity .
8 The failure of AZT is ‘ disappointing ’ , he says , but it reinforces ‘ the absolutely key message ’ that AIDS can be prevented with the right precautions .
9 There is a very substantial and relevant literature of research , practical discussion and theory to be mastered before language work can be developed with the sophistication that English graduates are able to bring to the work in literature .
10 Close work can be helped with the use of a low vision aid or closed circuit television .
11 It comes as no surprise , for example , to discover that the argument about poststructuralism neglecting history was initiated by those whose own intellectual formation can be identified with the existential Marxist humanism of the New Left of the 1950s and early 1960s .
12 Where blame can be associated with the conduct , or where unco-operativeness ( itself a blameworthy matter ) on the part of the offender can be inferred , the response is also likely to be punitive .
13 Since a rate of exchange measures the price of one currency in terms of another , its determination can be compared with the price of any other item .
14 Adjustment can be conducted with the aid of deionised water , or rainwater ( soft mixed in proportion to tap water ( generally hard .
15 Fourth , as with any suitably designed electronic database , the contents of a CD-ROM can be searched with the appropriate software and data can be located , correlated and retrieved in seconds .
16 So er , in so far as human nature can be equated with the id , it seems to me , perfectly correct to say that Frob erm , Frob I was going to say , Freud , Freud was a Hobbesian thinker .
17 Although no porosity logs are available for the Z1 Carbonate of the Aabenraa-l , the porosity profile can be compared with the neutron log of Ørslev-1 ( where no core was taken ) .
18 Once this has been done , the information on each phase of the site can be amalgamated with the information from the specialist reports on the finds ( if these have been finished ) and with any information from other sources , such as radiocarbon dates .
19 Many jobs such as replacing a balance beam can be done with the lock still in use : replacing or repairing a gate often requires a major stoppage .
20 The 1968 Seebohm Report recommended : ‘ an adequate overall service for the old to which anyone in need can be referred with the certain knowledge that appropriate action will be taken where necessary ’ ( Seebohm , 1968 ) .
21 SII hubs with the threaded type of stud can be replaced with the SIII type of splines .
22 Nearly always some compromise can be reached with the vendor , depending on whether it is a buyer 's or a seller 's market , but at least you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you 've been through everything with a fine tooth comb , that you 've done the best you possibly can and know what you are letting yourself in for !
23 SANDTEX Masonry paints in a choice of finish : Sandtex Smooth and Sandtex Matt ( with a very fine texture ) in white and 23 ready-mixed colours ( and almost any colour can be matched with the new Colour Bank machine ) ; the new Sandtex Classic Stone Gloss ( white and five colours ) ; and Sandtex Fine Build , a highly durable , fine-textured coating which will cover fine cracks and surface imperfections in a single coat .
24 The high number of sites very close to water can be equated with the number of sites at low altitudes , sea-level and up to 15 m above sea level .
25 So opacity can be equated with the extent to which the reader is required to be creative .
26 Contact can be made with the clubs during the Sports Fair in Freshers ' week or through the Sports Union office .
27 The exercise of discretion in decision making can be associated with the use of judgement .
28 The rest can be left with the parents , who will probably eat them when they 're ready to spawn again .
29 If agreement on the price can be reached with the target 's board then that will usually secure their recommendation and the offer will be made accordingly .
30 Volume and other discounts up to 20% of the single unit purchase price can be combined with the promotion , but it ca n't be combined with special bids .
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