Example sentences of "[noun sg] would have [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And that was only about a minute of the game gone and I dare say er Ian whose place he 's taking on that left-hand side would have relished that kind of opportunity .
2 But the seats that Common Wealth began to win were often seats which Labour would have stood little chance of winning even under the most favourable conditions .
3 David Blunkett , another member of the national executive , told a conference fringe rally organised by the soft-left Labour Coordinating Committee that Labour would have to find additional funds for its social programme by cutting £9.5bn from defence spending over five years , and raising the level of taxation on the rich .
4 Had the victim been someone other than a policeman , however , who might more readily have been provoked by the defendant 's conduct , the defendant would have had sufficient mens rea under the section , since he would have been aware that his conduct might be insulting .
5 Ritchie ( 1985 ) and Whittington and Ritchie ( 1988 ) argue that extensive machair has developed in the last 4000 years and that such a fundamental change in the geography and soils of the west coast would have had great influence on settlement history and patterns in this extreme marginal area .
6 More full-time farmers than part-time farmers in the study would have liked extra land .
7 Gurder would have understood this sort of thing .
8 It was precisely because the measures in the social chapter would have damaged first employment prospects and secondly our competitiveness against Japan and the United States that I found them unacceptable .
9 The blunder he survived at the 15th fence would have sent 99 men out of 100 into orbit .
10 If I had followed a different route through Bradford or Brixton the complexion of this story would have transformed some of its objectives : whiteness and blackness would have encountered each other dramatically .
11 Perhaps nomadic by choice , a typical shepherd would have had few possessions , would not own the flock , the pastures or a house .
12 Since incorporation would have required parliamentary approval , and alignment not much less , the scheme was impractical , but it was typical of the man .
13 The instrument would have made several incisions at the same time , having a set of twelve razor-sharp curved blades that are retracted below the slotted surface of the base and , when in place on the skin , fired by a trigger-release mechanism .
14 Mr Tony Brighton , the TGWU 's representative at RAF Stafford , said : ‘ We can not say whether the presence of the RAF ambulance would have made any difference to saving a life , but there was delay . ’
15 The proposal would have restricted nuclear weapons at sea to strategic missile submarines .
16 The fact that there was no sense of any history of lesbian and gay struggle in any of these articles made it seem incomprehensible why any council would have adopted any policy or set up any unit to serve the needs of lesbians and gays .
17 If it was not for her , this Council would have had more opportunity of addressing some of the deep problems the Tories either created or left behind .
18 In the same period , kin links were an important mechanism for recruiting labour , and so living in the parental household would have given young people increased chances of finding work , as well as providing them with accommodation which they might not have been able to afford on their own .
19 There was , and perhaps still is , a school of thought which asserted that armorial devices were assumed for identification in battle , but both research and common sense say this is probably wrong , for as so many knights chose arms of similar design , the mud , blood and turmoil of battle would have rendered such symbols on shields of little value , although the same can not , of course , be said about armorial banners or pennons bravely waving above rallying points or on the ends of lances .
20 The problem is that Sun would have to make fundamental changes to Solaris if USL 's Unix SVR4.2 interface specifications are adopted in the new RoadMap .
21 Applying the but for test would have produced this result .
22 A butterfly would have exerted more pressure alighting on a flower petal .
23 If words were represented as fairly abstract morphemic forms a speech recognition system of the conventional matching type would have to derive these forms somehow from the acoustic input by the application of phonological rules in reverse .
24 But the Chancellor would have drawn considerable heart for his important speech .
25 This meant that on average a girl would have to obtain higher examination marks than a boy to secure a place at such a school .
26 The conditions of the farm-workers during the 1890s made gleaning essential : a loss of the gleaned corn would have meant actual hunger to many a farm-worker 's family during the ensuing year .
27 The Hillington plan would have created 800 jobs , bringing the company 's Scottish total to 1,000 .
28 At the beginning of September 1942 , the German 6th Army under General Paulus had reached Stalingrad — a city whose capture would have had symbolic significance ; on 19 November a major Soviet counter-offensive had begun and led , within only a few weeks , to the encirclement of the 250,000 men of the 6th Army ; by Christmas 1942 the situation was as good as hopeless ; on 10 January , the last Russian assault commenced ; on 31 January Paulus — disobeying orders of the Führer that the troops had to fight to the last man — surrendered , and almost 90,000 survivors entered Soviet captivity , from whom only a small minority were to return .
29 In common cause against the elements , each rural community would have mobilized collective effort when planting and harvesting rice , or constructing irrigation systems .
30 On the basis of that Leeds as a fantasy team would have got 138 points so far this season .
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