Example sentences of "[noun sg] has been [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The definitional overlap technique has been successfully applied to the problem of sense disambiguation [ Lesk , 1987 ] .
2 This technique has been successfully applied to lung washings from patients with sarcoidosis , and M tuberculosis DNA was detected in half of the samples .
3 This technique has been successfully used in our laboratory for the identification of B virus DNA in previous cases of fatal B virus infection .
4 This technique has been widely adopted by researchers in recent years .
5 our next champ is Simon Wigg from Buckinghamshire … he 's won the world long track title for the fourth time … with a new look … the bike has been aerodynamically designed by grand prix men … and the suit which he wears over the leathers is made of lycra …
6 The decorative marble floor has subsided into the basement while the poor condition of the building has been further aggravated by the actions of the shopkeepers at the base of the mosque .
7 In Rotherham , ‘ [ t ] he specific grant has been successfully obtained for a list of improvements which includes : implementing a joint care programme approach to planning and providing services to users ’ , while in Bradford the demands of care programming and care management led to considerable investment in Information Technology :
8 A new mood of optimism prevails at Grace Road , where fundraising has been successfully completed for an indoor cricket school , building work on which will start in September .
9 The project has demonstrated that the once-traditional method where desk-bound pupils read the text has been advantageously replaced by exciting enjoyable approaches that are social , imaginative and physical .
10 Once the text has been accurately input to the computer , there are no particular practical problems associated with running a concordance program to study a wide range of syntactic variables ; the major advantage of computer techniques is the ease with which repetitive processes can be carried out and large amounts of data stored which can later be added to .
11 The text has been much improved by Brian Cook , Lesley Fitton , John Wilkes , Susan Woodford , and not least my editor Jenny Chattington .
12 Short hair has been elegantly back-combed into this fabulous shape .
13 Hair has been elegantly styled with height and volume .
14 Curly bob-shaped hair has been softly styled by Bruce Hunter for The Cut Above
15 Long hair has been gently backcombed at the crown and softly curled for a natural effect .
16 This permission has been readily given in the past .
17 This damage has been powerfully illustrated in a famous study that depended on deception : John Howard Griffin , a white man , darkened his skin and trudged through the American South .
18 One of the main reasons that the display looks so good is that it has been configured to use typographic faces as opposed to conventional typewriter-like text and this advantage has been further heightened by using typographic measurements throughout , each dot on the screen corresponds to 1 point .
19 My decision has been not to breed from her , but I 'm still sending letters to colleagues who specialise in genetics and orthopaedics , hoping that they might be able to shed some light on the significance of what I unexpectedly found .
20 The decision has been strongly criticized by environmental groups , who argue that Bradwell is one of the dirtiest nuclear reactors in Britain .
21 Their ‘ identical ’ progress has been closely monitored through schoolboy cricket .
22 Your progress has been properly monitored since your highly improper return to the field . ’
23 That the congregation progressed favourably during the time they had ministers and probationers to preach there , but their progress has been suddenly arrested by having no minister to officiate among them .
24 Progress has been less hindered in Malaysia since 1983 , when the government began a new policy , led by the prime Minister , of co-operation between government and the private sector in which multinationals could participate as minority partners or with management contracts .
25 Now C. homini- vorax has been completely eradicated from the southeastern and south-western states of the US and from Curacao and Puerto Rico .
26 Indeed , one scientist has been so misled by this grammatical similarity as to say that , given appropriate nerve graftings , two people could feel the same pain just as , if they looked in the same direction , they could see the same table .
27 A sports pavilion in Pallister Park has been badly damaged by two fires , one last Thursday and one late on Monday night .
28 The change has been sharply criticized by environmentalists .
29 The contemporary difficulty has been well expressed by Judith Shklar who suggests that :
30 English Heritage has been severely criticised for allowing a Georgian chimney-piece to be removed from Stedcombe House in Devon , which is a listed building , and sold by the present owner .
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