Example sentences of "[noun sg] if it [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He will be able to declare a ballot void if it appears third parties have interfered by voting when not entitled to do so , tampering with ballot papers , interfering with voters or exerting undue influence .
2 Co-operative R&D may also reduce the costs of doing research if it eliminates wasteful duplication of R&D projects , and , to the extent that co-operating firms apply their research in a wider range of output markets , cooperative R&D ventures may undertake more productive research .
3 I hate to think what effect it would have on our deficit if it included realistic costings of the value of their time .
4 Indeed , he points out that traditionally the IEEE has not been swayed by big name support if it feels another technology is more meritorious .
5 But goodness can choose to change its nature if it has true freedom of will .
6 A diagnosis of AIDS may cause a crisis if it reveals hidden sexuality or drug-using behaviours .
7 Outside , the Chelsea Pensioner pub would have have been doing good business if it had any drinks to sell , but it was purely decorative ; part of garden by Hereford Wyevale Garden Centre called the outer sanctum which won a silver-gilt medal .
8 It does not cover the dismissal by the vendor prior to the sale for the reason that the purchaser will either not buy the business if it contains certain employees or alternatively will pay a lower price ( see Wheeler v Patel [ 1987 ] ICR 631 ) .
9 There are some newspapers which simply will not use a picture if it has any brand identification whatsoever .
10 The guidelines make it clear it is council policy not to permit golf development if it involves new buildings or associated development in the open countryside , and is unrelated to existing settlements .
11 When viewing a house we were interested in buying , we asked the owner if it had rear access .
12 This means that the Bank of England can not be sure of success if it uses open-market operations to expand the money supply .
13 Although the threat of competition from institutions offering conveyancing may have receded for the moment , solicitors must not be complacent about the threat from the institutions because the Government may again consider encouraging outside competition if it seems political mileage may be gained .
14 This was the first time he had used this mechanism to force through legislation rejected by parliament , and the ANC warned that it would nullify the legislation if it gained political power .
15 Oxfordshire District Health Authority has confirmed it will want to buy services from the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre if it achieves self-governing status .
16 An improvement in environmental quality is also an economic improvement if it increases social satisfaction or welfare .
17 A water authority will , therefore , be in breach of its statutory duty if it permits obnoxious odours , which amount to a nuisance at common law , to emanate either from its sewage disposal works , or due to any recycling of treated or untreated sewage sludge on to farm land , and it is open to a local authority or person aggrieved , in the absence of informal agreement perhaps via a Liaison Committee , to seek an injunction to restrain the water authority from causing the nuisance .
18 They would gladly put up with a certain level of pregnancy risk if it meant fewer side effects .
19 John Redwood , a former head of Mrs Thatcher 's policy unit , saw no mileage in his current job as local-government minister if it meant non-stop council-bashing .
20 Unison will be formed next year if it gets similar backing from unions Cohse and Nalgo , and a secret ballot of the members of all three in November .
21 ‘ This trio only has long-term chances of survival if it uses all chances to work together to get the best results , ’ he said .
22 On the assumption of a two-firm market and that a rival would not enter the market if it faced zero NPV , NPVs were calculated for investment by the price-setting firm based on the limit prices needed to prevent the rival from entering the market and the cost levels that could be achieved by moving down the experience curve .
23 Representatives of the NAC met the Guild Council on 21 October and made it quite clear that the NAC could not continue to recognize the Guild as the youth section of the Party if it retained sympathetic affiliation to the Young Communist International .
24 On a modern system this may have been replaced by a safety device called a residual current device ( RCD ) , which turns off the supply if it detects current leaking to earth , and so protects the system and its users against the twin risks of fire and electric shock .
25 In his refreshing book Mr Veseth looks at Victorian Britain , which improved on Florence 's commercial ideas , particularly public debt , and also went into decline ; and at present-day America , which is deeply in debt but might , he argues , avoid decline if it takes brave decisions .
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