Example sentences of "[noun sg] were [verb] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We 've budgeted this year , er , for a maximum of six , but as Committee were informed at the last meeting , that number has exceeded during the year , erm , and that did create some financial difficulties , but that is the budget for specifically for six out-county placements , which not only do grown people in specialist er , accommodation such as secure accommodation , but also younger children with disabilities .
2 Management were told at the ritual claim submission in London that Ford workers at the 21 plants wanted to be the best paid in the motor industry .
3 A total of 24 proposed revisions to the draft Basic Law were approved at the final BLDC plenum .
4 And as we believe that erm the earth and the sun were formed at the same time , so we 're starting to know a lot more about the original material from which the sun and the earth were formed , and here we find that it 's just full of prebiotic molecules which we did not know beforehand and therefore puts a different perspective on what we think the earth 's early atmosphere might have been .
5 The statutes of the institute were altered at the same time to give Servan-Schreiber executive control .
6 Some steps against pluralism were taken at the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215 , but an altogether more far-reaching measure was promulgated at the Council of Lyons in 1274 .
7 By now almost wholly French in his artistic outlook , in August 1824 he was as amazed as his French contemporaries when Constable 's Hay Wain and Hampstead Heath were exhibited at the famous Salon Anglais .
8 The unusual nature of these counter-examples indicates that they are indeed the exceptions which prove the rule , and it is normally reasonable to assume that coins made from the same die were produced at the same time and place .
9 During 1989 calls for an international conference were repeated at the European Communities ( EC ) summit in Madrid , the Paris summit of the seven major industrial countries and the Arab League summit in Casablanca , as well as by the Soviet Union .
10 A washroom and WC were included at the left corner of the new room .
11 Two Spanish epidemiological surveys on the Guillain-Barré syndrome were presented at the scientific debate of the Spanish National Committee of Pharmacovigilance ( Madrid , health ministry , 30 January 1992 ) .
12 Polyclonal antibodies to the three clases of glutathione S-transferase were applied at the following dilutions of a stock solution ( protein concentration 1 mg/ml ) : glutathione S-transferase α 1/100 ; glutathione S-transferase µ 1/50 ; glutathione S-transferase π 1/200 .
13 " Excess liability " means the excess of liability to income tax over what it would be if all income tax not chargeable at the lower rate were charged at the basic rate to the exclusion of any higher rate .
14 No breaks in the cold chain were documented at the central storage facility , although vaccines kept at the study site were discarded on two occasions after power failures that lasted several hours .
15 The Chairman 's vice chairman 's and treasurer 's posts , not filled at the A.G.M. were filled at the first meeting of the new session 1991 — 1992 as follows ; Dr. A. J. Watson chairman ; G. W. Davidson , vice chairman and Mrs. P. Fisher , treasurer .
16 The Chairman 's vice chairman 's and treasurer 's posts , not filled at the A.G.M. were filled at the first meeting of the new session 1991–1992 as follows ; Dr. A. J. Watson chairman ; G. W. Davidson , vice chairman and Mrs. P. Fisher , treasurer .
17 NINE of 13 drug charges against a former tyre depot manager were dropped at the High Court in Aberdeen yesterday .
18 ALLEGATIONS of gross misappropriation of funds belonging to the sport by the former president of the International Judo Federation were made at the biannual congress yesterday while the man himself lay in a nearby hospital apparently suffering from a heart attack , writes Philip Nicksan from Belgrade .
19 The first question we asked was , how many of the words spoken by the subject were posted at the correct place in the word lattice ?
20 The arguments about when to leave a casualty were addressed at the American Heart Association 's national conference on cardiopulmonary resuscitation in 1992 and were rehearsed in detail in its proceedings .
21 Most of the patients were referred for investigation to the Department of Gastroenterology of Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital , and the remainder were seen at the Third Department of Internal Medicine , Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine .
22 Kazakhstan also introduced banking restrictions ; goods and money were stopped at the Kirgiz border .
23 From each transformant , small pieces of mycelium were picked at the thallus periphery and grown on minimal medium with or without uridine .
24 The dangers of hepatitis B infection were discussed at the First International Congress on Occupational Health for Healthcare Workers , which was held in Freiburg , Germany in September.The Congress was organised by the International Commission on Occupational Health ( ICOH ) and the Freiburg Institute for Occupational and Social Medicine ( FFAS ) .
25 It had a very ill-fated start in that some of the original ideas of establishing it as an independent agency with a trading fund were thwarted at the last moment .
26 On Jan. 3 eight opposition groups threatened to withdraw from the talks unless a complete report were presented at the next session on the disbanding of the security police and the disarming of former security officers .
27 The centralizing pressures of the whole school were kept at the lowest level compatible with the necessary coherence of the enterprise .
28 In 1990 , Heritage Minister , David Mellor said the press were drinking at the last chance saloon .
29 In previous years many overseas publishers were probably put off from coming to London by the fact that not all the major players in British publishing were represented at the fair .
30 Three former executives of the company were acquitted at the Old Bailey in November of illegally trying to export arms-making equipment to Iraq amid accusations that Government ministers encouraged manufacturers to emphasise the peaceful uses of their products when seeking export licences .
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