Example sentences of "[noun sg] they [vb mod] [verb] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 On the other side they would lay out a little town , using the river as a division .
2 Over on the other side they could make out the chimney of the paper works among rising woods .
3 In the evening they can take on a luminous glow and fill the air with perfume .
4 In the breeding aquarium they could suck in the fry and result in heavy losses .
5 In 1985 , its Labour majority was bigger than that of the Tories and the people of Derbyshire re-elected it in 1989 : they are satisfied with Derbyshire county council 's policies , and when we have the general election they will kick out the Under-Secretary of State and the hon. Member for Amber Valley ( Mr. Oppenheim ) , the man with the Pampers on .
6 In relays , each team tries to drink water in identical jugs from a spoon , until at the end they can lift up the jugs to drink .
7 If the forces unleashed are sufficient to overcome bureaucratic inertia and corruption they could bring about a transformation which will have even greater impact and importance than the development of the NHS in Britain .
8 Local authorities are required to take reasonable steps to ascertain entitlement to discount , but in the absence of firm information they can send out an undiscounted bill .
9 And it was interesting because er , we were talking about propulsion , talking about all types of er mechanics and sciences , and the way they 'd write up a report at the end which is part of the English part of it , and one of the youngsters said to me , he said , can I go home Mr ?
10 When lifted and placed against a transparent plastic sheet they would show up the tiniest particle .
11 No doubt they would send over a few H.E .
12 Unlike a normal congregation they can reach out a hand , twirl a knob and obliterate the message .
13 Liberal Democrat candidate Suzanne Fletcher said if her party were in power they would bring in a new type of rented housing , called partnership housing , which would cater for middle income groups wanting to rent rather than buy , built through public and private money .
14 Liberal Democrat candidate Suzanne Fletcher said if her party were in power they would bring in a new type of rented housing , called partnership housing , which would cater for middle income groups wanting to rent rather than buy , built through public and private money .
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