Example sentences of "[noun sg] they [verb] [prep] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They put up a prize at the awards ceremony they 're prepared to do all the art work for nothing or at cost price for the awards ceremony they laid on this evening for us now if three people turn up at their evening they gon na say as we putting our money in the right organisation
2 Whether in practice they act in this way has not been established convincingly .
3 The public silence was broken early in 1987 by Marxism Today , who can seldom resist a bandwagon , even if they often fall under the wheels in the process ; and the particular bandwagon they joined on this occasion was the one about what the Tories had labelled ‘ Loony Left ’ councils .
4 That eighteenth-century generals and governments were justified in the attention they gave to this problem is clear .
5 One sign of the importance they attached to this work is that turquoise covered masks featured in the tribute handed to Cortés and transmitted to the emperor Charles V. Some of these passed into the family collection of the Medici and following the dispersal of this the important examples now in the Museum of Mankind passed to the British Museum .
6 In fact , when the Labour Party did come to power in 1964 , the only documentation they possessed on this subject was a single sheet of paper provided by myself , recommending among other things the establishment of rent officers , an idea in which I was subsequently able to interest Dick Crossman .
7 At the University of Ibadan , chemists have analysed the growth hormones in cowpeas to determine the role they play in this abscission ( separation ) .
8 Council , although , the amount of money they give for this kind of research is pretty sparse !
9 in case they went in this museum .
10 Driven on by wind and tide they raced through this passage and into a wide lake .
11 During the next half hour they worked in this way , and when the empty cases and the bed covers were at last placed on the cart , Aggie locked the door , then hesitated for a moment , wondering what to do with the key .
12 Merseyside members of the 1st Army Associaton take pride in the part they played in this achievement and in remembering present comrades and those gallant friends who fell in the conflict .
13 They debated unhappily , reluctant to commit themselves to an opinion , until John Prophet suggested sadly that in the circumstances it might be well to consult the archbishop of Canterbury , and in some relief they agreed on this course , and carried their problem that same afternoon to Lambeth ; where Thomas Arundel , on the force of whose word and influence they could rely , advised them , in consideration of the desperate need , to issue the required letters patent , and he would be responsible for defending their action to the king , should it need any defence .
14 How little reason they had for this view we shall soon discover .
15 Like countless adverts for soap powder , shampoo , tropical fruit drinks , deodorants , which had been absorbed into her memory during hours of television watching , the world they inhabited in this fantasy was innocent and carefree , a garden of Eden before the Fall .
16 By imperial unification they meant at this time a federal union of Britain and the white dominions , a scheme differing little in its essentials from other schemes of imperial union which had occupied the minds of the British political classes from time to time during the latter part of the nineteenth century .
17 It they suffered in this way , they had to be sprayed with fresh water .
18 In the wild this may allow them to escape as the predator may lose interest in them , but in the laboratory the length of time they remain in this state before righting themselves is a good measure of their fear level .
19 But there 's one thing sure , next time they come on this land they 'll be met by a reception committee .
20 And they go on holiday and they 're not supposed to , you know , they neither of them of told their boyfriend they go in this club and one of them , the married one , starts dancing with this man and like he , he thinks cos she 's dancing with him she likes him but she 's just having fun .
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