Example sentences of "[noun sg] but rather [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This element is lacking in another group of cases , where nothing turns on any prior act of the potential defendant but rather on the delivery of the document to the official of the forum state or its publication at some prescribed place .
2 From that site too come the Callanish eagles whose strength is not in flight , or size , or speed or skill but rather in a spirit whose power has been forget through time . ’
3 The quotas of manpower approvals are not determined by the Central Manpower Committee but rather by the request of individual specialties to the Joint Planning Advisory Committee at the time of the specialty review .
4 Whereas Levinas , like Habermas , posits an authentic language of expression which abhors the distortions of ‘ rhetoric ’ , Derrida argues that such alterity is constituted not through dialogue but rather through the operation of language itself : Levinas ' transcendence-as-surplus is therefore redefined as a Derridean supplement .
5 It is simply that the necessary distinctions are not to be found at the level of categorical separation but rather at the level where they are in fact produced , which is that of both general and specific cultural and social orders .
6 A biology of hierarchy grounded in a metaphysically prior ‘ great chain of being ’ gave way to a biology of incommensurability in which the relationship of men to women , like that of apples to oranges , was not given as one of equality or inequality but rather as a difference whose meaning required interpretation and struggle .
7 Gramsci saw the dichotomy between the two not as a centre-periphery relationship but rather as an aspect of the way in which the interests of monopoly capital used the state to keep the undeveloped areas repressed and passive ; Gramsci describes the south variously as ‘ a semi-colonial market ’ , a ‘ source of savings and taxes ’ and a ‘ pool of cheap docile reserve labour ’ .
8 This term refers not to a single theory but rather to a set of assumptions underlying a particular approach to the study of perception and cognition .
9 Usually , other world religions will be presented separately and in an open-ended approach — neither from a committed stance nor for commitment but rather with a view to fostering respect and understanding of other people 's beliefs and customs .
10 We should be looking not at such practice in the past but rather in the future — more of that later .
11 This functionalist style views law not as a phenomenon which exists on an altogether different plane to government but rather as an instrument which is part of the apparatus of government .
12 ‘ Once upon a time I 'd 've made you turn religious , ’ said Constance , and suddenly it occurred to Scarlet that really she was already religious , as anyone who had borne a child must surely be : not in the conventional sense but rather as a passenger on a train would expect someone to be at the controls .
13 In the most recent case , the court was concerned not so much with the deliberate communication of confidential information but rather with the danger posed by the " chance remark " or the " inadvertent " risk of leaking the information .
14 The liberals of Cadiz were not primarily concerned with a socially desirable redistribution of landed property but rather with the establishment of clear and absolute property rights — the Roman Law notion of jus utendi et abutendi as against the medieval confusions of multiple claims to enjoy the use of the same piece of property .
15 At the heart of her case lies the claim that the merchant , like the monk , is not generous as a virtue but rather as a matter of " " calculated business policy " " , for the sake of appearing creditworthy : We may creaunce whil we have a name , But goldlees for to be , it is no game .
16 Therefore one must conclude that the ‘ death line ’ for dry gas is not related to the exhaustion of the source rock coal but rather to the disappearance of good reservoirs due to lack of porosity .
17 Like Sartre , he sought to constitute Marxism as a form of truth , but attempted to prove its truth not through the dialectic of history but rather as a science , authenticating Marx 's ‘ immense theoretical revolution ’ epistemologically through a demonstration of its scientificity .
18 He found the identity for his clown not in the figure of a worker but rather in the form of a man whose sensitivity , grace , almost feminine beauty , charm , clothes , and swagger all hint at a better background and perhaps at social and sexual aspirations .
19 Here , it is not doing duty for a use of rhinoceros but rather for a mention of it .
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