Example sentences of "[noun sg] 's [noun sg] at the time " in BNC.

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1 Dent 's comment at the time when that Act was still before Parliament as a bill has a curious irony to it , which will become all the more apparent from the discussion which ensues later :
2 The predictive value of the Child 's classification at the time of variceal bleeding in terms of predicting survival seems to be as accurate in the elderly as in younger cirrhotic patient .
3 An example of such a condition would be if , to the buyer 's knowledge at the time the contract was made , the seller was not the owner of the goods .
4 The Bulgarians wanted Guentchev to join their squad for the match with Austria in Vienna , but Town 's schedule at the time was too hectic .
5 These are all experiences we have had that tell us about the body 's state at the time , and we do not have difficulty in interpreting them .
6 The song , featuring several different sections , was a fine summary of the band 's sound at the time .
7 The plaintiff 's case is that despite the difficulty with the landlord 's consent at the time the contracts were signed , it was made clear to them by Mr at this stage that that ought to be a formality and no one anticipated to expect this .
8 The owners of the Durham and Northumberland collieries showed their appreciation by presenting Davy with a set of silver plate worth £2500 ( a miner 's wage at the time was £50 a year ) at a testimonial dinner on 11 October , 1817 .
9 What sort of twisted thoughts went through my father 's brain at the time to make him choose such a name for the child I can not start to imagine , but that was the name Angus chose for his new son .
10 Similarly , the use of the demonstrative of proximity " this ' can be seen as reflecting the speaker 's perception at the time of the narrated event , in which case the spatial deictic centre is temporarily shifted from the location of the I as speaker to that of the I as character in the story .
11 They took full advantage of the general liberalisation , that was the government 's policy at the time , to fight against the constraints imposed by the labour system .
12 What private letters from an artist can do best is to elucidate what was uppermost in an artist 's mind at the time , often artistic aims which would be difficult to discover otherwise .
13 ‘ Having established that the larger skeleton was that of a female , I set about making an estimate of the subject 's age at the time of her death .
14 Among them were Mr Reed , Nicholas Wells , who had put the issue together at County , and Martin Gibbs , head of corporate finance at Phillips & Drew , County 's stockbroker at the time , although he has since retired .
15 As the war approached , her father , Colonel Joshua Murchison had sent her to live with his sister in California It had almost broken Yanto 's heart at the time .
16 We know this because the word come ( at least with the tense and aspect in ( i ) ) denotes either motion towards the speaker at the time of speaking ( as in Come to breakfast , Johnny ) or motion towards the addressee 's location at the time of speaking ( as in I 'm coming , Mummy ) .
17 The only qualification is that a widow 's late husband must have been entitled to the married couple 's allowance at the time of his death .
18 This practice , borrowed from the United States , recognises that until shares are issued they confer no rights at all , and that the rights ultimately attached to them depend on the company 's decision at the time when they are issued .
19 Such an obligation would be particularly hard to justify given that those who join in the future will do so on financial terms that reflect the company 's situation at the time they acquire their shares .
20 Usually , you lose the widow 's pension at the time of a divorce , though you may be able to benefit from the lump sum payment on death .
21 He is suing Jocelyn Timothy Thomas , a solicitor who held his late brother 's will at the time of his death , for negligence to the tune of £4 million .
22 For four hours they chanted ‘ Down with ( Yefrem ) Sokolov ’ — the republic 's party chief — and cheered calls for the prosecution of those running the republic 's government at the time of the disaster .
23 As I said earlier , name identification campaigns are routine in the United States but not so common in Europe , although there have been cases where a candidate has been so successfully promoted that he has won , despite his local party 's unpopularity at the time .
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