Example sentences of "[noun sg] had [vb pp] me [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 My experience at the Fiesta Club had led me to the conclusion that , on average , a ‘ star ’ lasts about three years before fading to a nonentity and I intended to earn as much as possible in that time and retire — unhurt — with enough capital for a business .
2 The extraordinary stop-start conversation between Victor and his monster had convinced me of the latter 's supreme dangerousness : given its malevolence , its lying and eloquent tongue was probably as big a threat as its turn of speed .
3 For half a second you might have thought his fist had smashed me across the room , except that I follow through my dive into a roll and end up squatting on the floor , eight feet away , with the pistol pointing straight at his guts .
4 I turned to find that a girl had joined me at the bar .
5 A member of the Club Animacion Team had volunteered me for the lilo race across the pool — the first prize a free drink — who could resist !
6 The ball had hit me in the leg .
7 If a pollster had approached me in the run-up to the election , I would have said I was voting Lib-Dem , because I had a sincere intention of doing so .
8 The vicar had asked me in the war to do this and erm I was secretary of that and I used to say er , you know you could only do so much because we was n't like housewives today .
9 Nothing in my upbringing had prepared me for the weather , much less the absurd notion of hitchhiking .
10 It felt like an elephant had hit me in the guts .
11 I know my father would raise a terrific stink if I told him the Headmistress had grabbed me by the hair and slung me over the playground fence . ’
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