Example sentences of "[noun sg] had [adv] been [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At this period in time Highlander had also been working on a community health program , the broad aim of which was ;
2 The snow had obviously been falling for hours , probably while she was still watching The Blue Angel .
3 And yet the end of the Second World War was such a celebration of the defeat of the fascist enemy that there was a failure to grasp the fact that the universal Enemy had merely been rehearsing for Armageddon .
4 Capitalism had always been baffling to Ceauşescu , now his involvement with it was a curse .
5 The immigration process had previously been proceeding at a hectic pace following a " family reunification " agreement signed by the two countries in January .
6 From 1973 the Health Protection and Environment Directorates of the European Commission had also been working on measures to control wastes and ‘ trace ’ substances in water : they adopted a 50mg/litre nitrate limit for the 1980 Directive Relating to the Quality of Water Intended for Human Consumption ( 80/778/EEC ) , which also controls pesticides and metals .
7 Maeve agreed that the old nun had probably been referring to Lady Eleanor 's hands .
8 The Finnish government had hitherto been pressing for a change in the plans , to incorporate a special section allowing passage for rigs over 65 metres high .
9 If the river had still been working with any serious use of its productive capacity , this presentation of delightful monuments would not have been possible .
10 By the time human beings first came into being , several million years ago , life had already been evolving for three and a half billion years .
11 The pathologist had also been working since the previous afternoon , a task many would find horribly gruesome but which to him was more full of detective fascination than any other he could imagine .
12 These writs were not new and by Edward 's reign the church had long been fighting against their use in such matters as tithes and debts , testaments and matrimony .
13 Everyone in this part of the world had obviously been fighting against either the Russians or the Yugoslavs , but the devil of it was that they were prepared to do anything rather than surrender to either of these armies . "
14 Brook , small , breezy and soft-spoken had already been padding among the assembly , shaking hands with a grip curiously flabby for one whose theatrical identity is so startlingly defined .
15 They had been crossing a scree ; there had been many loose stones , and footing was difficult , but surely at that point they had been traversing a gentler slope , and her employer had actually been standing on a flattish stretch of granite when she had fallen .
16 Unfortunately , one of the Sheriff 's impromptu posse had earlier been drinking with the brothers and had noticed George 's notorious mutilated thumb .
17 As a result , Kandel began to make the sort of experiments that those working on the biochemistry of memory had already been struggling with ; adding radioactive precursors of protein to isolated ganglia or to cells in a dish , trying to identify the protein products , and to distinguish those made uniquely or in raised quantities during memory formation from the many others .
18 We had been warned by a merchant on the road not to drink either the water or the muddy-coloured ales because the plague had recently been raging in the city and the streams might still be infected .
19 Spoiled and wilful she might be at times , but the emotional distance between them caused by the difference in their ages and their forced separation in childhood had slowly been closing over the past two years .
20 The NUWW and the LNA had long been campaigning for legislation to raise the age of consent to eighteen and to enforce more stringent penalties against procurers and brothel-keepers .
21 Staff of the Global Seismology Unit had previously been working at Edinburgh and Eskdalemuir , under the control of the Meteorological Office , and at the Royal Observatory , Edinburgh .
22 One new research interest had already been developing in the mid-seventies from my earlier work in semantics .
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