Example sentences of "[noun sg] had [verb] as a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In a year-long " sting " operation by state authorities , an agent had posed as a casino owner in Las Vegas , Nevada , seeking to extend his empire into Arizona .
2 The devil , Trent thought , and found himself smiling as he realised that continual fear had acted as a drug , lifting him free of reality in the same way that marathon runners broke through the pain barrier into an almost hallucinatory state of calm .
3 Rusche and Kirchheimer themselves admit ( 1939 : 102 ) that imprisonment became the standard method of punishment at a time when the demand for prison labour had fallen as a result of technological and other developments .
4 The University Grants Committee had acted as a buffer against change .
5 The later books have very much the air of contrived sequels , with young conspirators or princes in training cut from the same pattern and taking , one by one , the centre of a story , none of them capturing attention as the Stormy Petrel had done as a boy .
6 It was plain for all to see that his father 's ultimatum had come as a shock to Jonna .
7 The losses of the state sector had grown as a result of the explosion of labour costs with the return to democracy , and because the state holding company INI ( Instituto Nacional de Industrias ) became a ‘ hospital ’ for near-bankrupt private companies ; these accounted for more than 40 per cent of its losses in 1983 .
8 The idea of collective security had emerged as a theme in Soviet policy in the 1950s .
9 However , it was also found that the significance of consent had decreased as a result of the legislation , as had the importance of resistance by the complainant .
10 Their remains were dumped on the site at Penhall Road , near Charlton , which London Transport had leased as a graveyard for its tram fleet .
11 To own a boarding house required capital in the first instance and to maintain the boarding house as a business venture in the early years the husband had to work as a taxi driver or have a part-time job during the winter .
12 There he worked as a gardener for Sir John Blencowe ( 1642–1726 ) who had been the Member of Parliament for Brackley from 1690–1695 , and from 1696 –1714 had served as a Baron of the Exchequer and Justice of Common Pleas [ DNB , 2 , 672–3 ] .
13 In August 1991 the Pentagon revealed that of all US servicemen killed in Desert Storm , one quarter had fallen as a result of friendly fire .
14 It was an added bonus that his wife had trained as a nurse .
15 The strike had begun as a dispute between members of the International Association of Machinists ( IAM ) and the CSX Corp. , one of 40 freight companies involved in contract negotiations with the union .
16 The most famous of these figures , ‘ Doc ’ in Street Corner Society ( Whyte 1955 ) , certainly became an assistant to Bill Whyte , and indeed gave Whyte another ethical problem , as both he and Doc came to see that Doc 's behaviour had changed as a result of Whyte 's work .
17 The Polytechnic enclosed a small square garden which the architect had seen as a kind of cloister for scholarly pacing .
18 His father had worked as a coal miner in Castleford in Yorkshire and , after completing his shelter drawings , Moore revisited his home town to make sketches and drawings of mining as part of the war effort .
19 And after a week , when the football ground had acted as a family home visited by friends from near and afar in what was a traditional wake , the flowers which had been laid were ritually burned .
20 Amongst the carers themselves , ‘ isolation , frustration and resignation ’ were near universal in the sample , with a substantial number estimating that their sense of self-worth had suffered as a result of their situation .
21 Once , in the days when the building was known as Kelly 's Star Music Hall , the space had served as a beer cellar .
22 In a letter to the London gallery , The Edge , a DTI official stated that details of the case had been passed to Customs and Excise for them to consider whether an offence had occurred as a licence had not been granted for the photographs in the current exhibition .
23 They got on exceptionally well over a bottle of whisky which the expatriate had brought as a gift .
24 The Committee recognised that the greatest public concern had arisen as a consequence of the ‘ presence and the visible and obvious presence of prostitutes in considerable numbers in the public streets of some parts of London and of a few provincial towns ’ .
25 The fund had acted as a conduit for the money from ivory trade associations in Japan for one year , but this was stopped by Mr Lapointe , Mr Bohlen said , because he wanted the money to go directly to the secretariat .
26 It was because she 'd never taken him seriously that the whole thing had come as a surprise .
27 Films taken by a submersible robot established that the ship had sunk as a result of a large explosion .
28 Built in an age of faith , the tower had stood as a symbol , too , of that final unquenchable hope that even the sea would yield up her dead and that their God was God of the waters as he was of the land .
29 According to the society , water voles , otters , redshank , snipe and lapwing and wetland plants such as marsh orchid and bog pimpernel had declined as a result of over-abstraction and drainage over many years .
30 The oldest woman in the refuge had worked as a railway clerk , in a sausage factory , a pop factory and in a factory making bingo boards until she stopped working a few years earlier and was put on invalidity benefit .
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