Example sentences of "[noun sg] had [verb] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And then she realised that the hoof beats of his horse had come to an abrupt stop .
2 But the home side had to settle for a winning draw after St George 's finished on 175–7 , despite a 2–55 return from 16-year old slow left arm bowler Howard Jones on his debut .
3 By the time of the Norman invasion , the Saxon Manor had settled into a familiar form , with the Lord of the Manor , the reeve , the Hall , the lands retained in Demesne , lands let to tenants i.e. Villani , the Bordari or labourers , the Servi or slaves , in some cases Cotari , the tenants of part of the submanor , Free tenants , meadow land , mills , fisheries , woods for pannage and pasture .
4 As Simon himself acknowledged , English public health administration had developed in a piecemeal and ad hoc fashion for much of the early nineteenth century , with national supervision divided between his own Privy Council Medical Office and the Poor Law Board .
5 She 'd been so immersed in the music , letting it wash over her , uplifting her , that she had n't even realised that the car had turned into a short driveway to stop outside a luxurious chalet-type building set in a clearing of beech trees .
6 The Mersey building programme had continued at an impressive rate throughout 1990 with orders recently placed for the last 14 fibre reinforced composite ( FRC ) boats — due to be completed within the next 22 months .
7 That was after Joe , HISY 's lawyer had claimed at a previous hearing that yet another G Tec rival , Scientific Games , had been told not to bother bidding by lottery officials .
8 Daffodil had changed into a sparkling crimson dress and showed no pique over pampering finishing fifth .
9 By now the bucking roar of entry had subsided into a sibilant trembling caress imperceptible against the engine throb except to possessors of Lyman 's Ears .
10 The German Commandant had dreamt of a mute Jewish whore and when he was issued one for the duration his cup overflowed .
11 The widely-scattered smoke-swirls from destroyed weapons and vehicles showed that the enemy had advanced on a broad front .
12 The Royal Institution had begun with an abortive attempt to train artisans in elementary science ; mechanics ' institutes provided lectures for what seems to have been chiefly a membership from the lower middle class .
13 This was the first time that the nuclear industry had admitted at a public inquiry that the electricity from one of its future reactors would be more expensive than the output from an equivalent coal-fired station .
14 Balcon was the sort of producer the British film industry had needed for a long time .
15 For Macpherson everything about the general run of American movies ‘ belonged to the 1910 period ’ when the industry had alighted on a certain type of narrative film as being most suitable for its mass audience .
16 In his mind that was guarded by grey , disinterested eyes and his sallow tight-drawn forehead , Holly could picture the process of how a match lit in innocence had tumbled upon an incendiary device .
17 As long as historical materialism no longer saw itself as involved in the objective crisis complex , as soon as it understood its critique exclusively as positive science and the dialectic objectively as the law of the world , then the ideological character of consciousness had to take on a metaphysical quality … .
18 Suddenly the wind rose and , within seconds , the light had extended in a broad band across the sky .
19 Our vote had collapsed to a paltry 7 per cent and the alliance of the centre now seemed capable of taking everything before it .
20 By the end of 1922 the figure had jumped to a remarkable 155 , showing that recovery was on the way and economic activity increasing .
21 The catastrophic effects of the most recent drought can be gauged fact that in 1967 the country imported over 30 per cent of its food requirements and yet only seven years later this figure had risen to a colossal 96.5 per cent in what is nominally an agrarian economy .
22 The first witness had decided at an early stage not to travel to Dublin ; the second only recently made his decision not to give evidence .
23 Although official action had ended after a national ballot on Jan. 24 , unofficial action had continued until March after discontent had emerged among Ford 's maintenance workers , craftsmen and electricians , causing major disruption of work across the country .
24 After the action had lasted for a few minutes , County Inspector Meharg , through a loudhailer , ordered : ‘ The police will hold their hands , please . ’
25 The crashing wind had dropped to a vicious whine , but the rain had intensified and its thunderous noise filled the room .
26 Killing Chant had seemed like a wise manoeuvre at the time — and , of course , an agreeable diversion on a night without a show to go to — but Dowd had n't predicted the furore it would cause .
27 Stephanie 's rosebud mouth had curved in a small pout .
28 During the hearing the court received information that W. 's condition had deteriorated to a serious extent .
29 Rafael Eitan resigned as Minister of Agriculture on Dec. 24 in protest at Likud 's opposition to proposals for the direct election of the Prime Minister ; the Likud central committee had voted by a large majority on Dec. 23 against the direct election of the Prime Minister .
30 Where the sand had stretched in an unbroken line of gold towards the horizon , now we saw more and more rock exposed the farther up the strand we looked , until in the distance the dunes faced a shore of pure stone .
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