Example sentences of "[noun sg] had [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ron 's glance had fallen upon the huge mound of nettle roots and bramble stems that was the product of Edward 's afternoon .
2 And then she realised that the hoof beats of his horse had come to an abrupt stop .
3 But the home side had to settle for a winning draw after St George 's finished on 175–7 , despite a 2–55 return from 16-year old slow left arm bowler Howard Jones on his debut .
4 He was obviously interested in the past history of the house , and , by the time they returned to the dance-floor , all her irrational fears and instinctive wariness of the tall dark man by her side had receded into the very back of her mind .
5 By the time of the Norman invasion , the Saxon Manor had settled into a familiar form , with the Lord of the Manor , the reeve , the Hall , the lands retained in Demesne , lands let to tenants i.e. Villani , the Bordari or labourers , the Servi or slaves , in some cases Cotari , the tenants of part of the submanor , Free tenants , meadow land , mills , fisheries , woods for pannage and pasture .
6 The crisis within the coalition had arisen during the previous week when Reynolds on Oct. 27 accused O'Malley of " dishonest " testimony to a parliamentary inquiry into fraud in the beef export industry as regards Reynolds 's handling of export credits for Iraq while Industry and Commerce Minister in 1987-88 .
7 As Simon himself acknowledged , English public health administration had developed in a piecemeal and ad hoc fashion for much of the early nineteenth century , with national supervision divided between his own Privy Council Medical Office and the Poor Law Board .
8 Defence cuts of up to $8 billion more than the Bush administration had planned for the fiscal year beginning in October .
9 The judiciary committee 's preliminary examination of the affair led to accusations that members of the Bush administration had tampered with the pre-1990 export records concerning Iraq , and had impeded a federal investigation of a $4,000 million fraud at the Atlanta branch of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro ( BNL ) .
10 Whereas in the earlier revolt fighting had centred on the northern parts of the duchy , Poitou and the Saintonge , in 1 176 it was focused further south and east , in the Angoumois and the Limousin .
11 The total loss of these aircraft and crews was the bitterest blow Bomber Command had to suffer in the entire war , and it is difficult to understand why it happened .
12 By the end of the 1787 season the White Conduit Club had merged with the new Marylebone Cricket Club .
13 Mr Goddard said the ESC had apologised to the Civic for causing any inconvenience .
14 She 'd been so immersed in the music , letting it wash over her , uplifting her , that she had n't even realised that the car had turned into a short driveway to stop outside a luxurious chalet-type building set in a clearing of beech trees .
15 Where the great rivers of molten lava had flowed in the distant past was now a jumbled mass of solidified rock-like structures which sometimes stretched for many kilometres .
16 The Mersey building programme had continued at an impressive rate throughout 1990 with orders recently placed for the last 14 fibre reinforced composite ( FRC ) boats — due to be completed within the next 22 months .
17 His restless mind had returned to the unfinished business of Benghazi and the possibility of destroying shipping which he had so far signally failed to achieve .
18 Sheikh al Hassan 's mind had returned to the important meeting before him .
19 That was after Joe , HISY 's lawyer had claimed at a previous hearing that yet another G Tec rival , Scientific Games , had been told not to bother bidding by lottery officials .
20 The stranger had arrived in the dead of night , a sick man unable to walk unaided and noisily man-handled through the darkened house by several other men .
21 News of Dr Khan 's murder had eddied amongst the foreign specialists on the project .
22 Daffodil had changed into a sparkling crimson dress and showed no pique over pampering finishing fifth .
23 The forced retreat of Selim III indicated the extent to which the authority of the Sublime Porte had declined since the glorious days of Suleiman in the sixteenth century .
24 By now the bucking roar of entry had subsided into a sibilant trembling caress imperceptible against the engine throb except to possessors of Lyman 's Ears .
25 The German Commandant had dreamt of a mute Jewish whore and when he was issued one for the duration his cup overflowed .
26 Another day of dreadful toil had come to the industrial ghettos of early Victorian Glasgow , a world often forgotten and ignored , a world echoed throughout Britain where families lived and died bounded by a few streets , walled from the world of green and life by an invisible fence , a dead hand that bound them in chains of language , and rags , and marked them for life more surely than any thief was ever branded at Glasgow Cross .
27 We were conscious of how far we were from the Rothern hut , and of how soft and how avalanche-prone the snow had become in the late afternoon .
28 The widely-scattered smoke-swirls from destroyed weapons and vehicles showed that the enemy had advanced on a broad front .
29 The Royal Institution had begun with an abortive attempt to train artisans in elementary science ; mechanics ' institutes provided lectures for what seems to have been chiefly a membership from the lower middle class .
30 Tass meanwhile reported that the rioting had spread to the neighbouring Namangan region , with up to 2,000 people involved in riots in its regional capital .
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