Example sentences of "[noun sg] had [verb] [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All his probing to the roots of religion had discovered simply the bankruptcy of those roots , or at least their apparent irrelevance to the job of finding a meaning in modern life .
2 Umpire Frank Lee called him on 11 occasions for throwing in England 's only innings and , after the home side had wrapped up the game early , he was again called , in the exhibition match which followed , by the other umpire , Syd Buller , and was forced to complete his only over underarm .
3 After the execution of Xavier de Chavigny , the German High Command had taken over the house and gardens at St-Cloud and used the beautiful late-seventeenth-century mansion to quarter troops .
4 Whilst previous research had analysed how the workforce was reproduced — how young people became young workers — the problem now was to explain the consequences of Government schemes , new kinds of training and the responses to unemployment .
5 Some of the less educated women in Askham 's ( 1975 ) Aberdeen study had given up the pill as a result of such articles in popular newspapers and had become pregnant in consequence .
6 At ten o'clock in the morning a monster had ripped up the countryside , devastation littering its wake .
7 Dr Sasaki , who believed that the enemy had hit only the building he was in , got bandages and began to bind the wounds of those inside the hospital ; while outside , all over Hiroshima , maimed and dying citizens turned their unsteady steps toward the Red Cross Hospital to begin an invasion that was to make Dr Sasaki forget his own private nightmares for a long , long time … .
8 The vote will be seen as a victory for the local authorities , who put so much pressure on the clubs , and many of the delegates were relieved that the vote had taken away the threat of possible punitive action from their local councils .
9 His zest for living had to encompass even the risk of dying .
10 An earlier wind had whipped up the surface snow into rivulets like tiny mountain ranges , and whirled spirals like ice cream from a machine .
11 The new statute had set out the management arrangements governing the institutions which the county authority had taken over .
12 One officer was convinced his superior had spelt out the situation in his corps in detail , so accurate was her diagnosis when she preached .
13 Every young ram in the village had hung about the place , hunting for what they called a bit of moss .
14 Public disapproval had brought about the resignation of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party 's corrupt kingmaker , Shin Kanemaru .
15 And she was on his knee , and their arms were round each other , and though the sun had gone down the garden at that moment was glorious , full of a blaze of splendour that surrounded them like a halo .
16 Well in in general er the original work plan had divided up the production work to share out the technology and this meant that components were being shipped around more than actually they they needed to be or that was economic and it was found that there was the potential to concentrate manufacturers sub-assemblies for each of the major components of the aircraft and subsequently assemble the major components in one country rather than several .
17 One classic er case that only occurred a few years ago and it was way before bonfire night , but erm , people working from home to try and make a little bit of pin money , a young lady had taken on the task of putting sparklers into five into a little bag for a particular manufacturer .
18 Here when the sin in the darkness had been brought to the light its power was broken and in this case confession had battered down the barrier .
19 Perhaps the pussy had fallen down the well again , they thought .
20 The North American economist , John Kenneth Galbraith , took a distinctly positive view , claiming that the crisis had shown both the revival of industrial technology and the reimposition of civic discipline as demonstrated by the pay pause , in the face of difficulties which might have led feebler nations to buckle under , or even lapse into military or other dictatorships .
21 The unspoken aggression of this evening had brought back the nightmare because with him she had gone further than mere temper .
22 One of her students , for instance , had told her that the class struggle was an obsolete concept , and an eminent academic had put forward the view that relations between capitalist and socialist states were devoid of class content ( he had previously maintained the opposite ) .
23 As they moved towards me , I moved away , but at last I came to a part of the field where rain had knocked down the corn .
24 In due course , however , the Collector had to give up the idea of shovelling under these conditions .
25 The bomb had taken out the café , and the two floors above it .
26 Deacon had taken over the head of the formation as the leader 's R/T was not working , and calling a warning to the other pilots , he swung into the attack on one Messerschmitt from the quarter position , breaking away to attack a second similarly , though in neither case did he observe any results .
27 A dripping waterpipe had shortened out the starting motor which had been activated and started the main engine .
28 The court had heard how the raid had been abandoned after a cache of tools and equipment commonly used in bank raids was discovered in a bus shelter .
29 But the heat and the darkness and the twisted magic had long since drained the heart from the land ; the dark sorcery had sucked out the goodness and turned it into a stunted , abandoned place .
30 So the fat proprietor had whistled up the gondola .
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