Example sentences of "[noun sg] had [verb] [pron] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , a former CIA agent had given him a detailed , off-the-record account of the agency 's involvement with arms and narcotics trafficking in the Middle East .
2 A north-west gale had given us a good shaking up crossing from Peterhead to Wick resulting in a cracked cylinder head .
3 Lisa felt the cold finger of panic momentarily touch her , just as it had when , over the phone earlier , the girl from the claims department had told her the awful truth .
4 Tension had given her a dull , thumping headache so that she absorbed nothing except the first entry on the list .
5 At this juncture , I realized that I had driven close to the point where the boat had landed me the previous evening .
6 The Coalisland — Dungannon march had given everyone a good day out and had used up a lot of their energy by the time the moment of confrontation arrived .
7 Penny was Sixer of the Kelpies , and when her granny had given her a beautiful budgie for a birthday present she decided to name it Kelpie after her Six , especially as the bird had a little silver patch on his throat — just as if he was wearing the Promise Badge , Penny pointed out gleefully .
8 Indeed the London County Council had built her a special unit at Queen Mary 's Hospital Carshalton .
9 But they quickly realised the judge had done them a great disservice and that his report hinged on a massive irony .
10 Later , I tried to mollify her by pointing out that the teacher had said what a nice boy he was .
11 The most astonishing aspect of the case was not that she had an understandable desire to disport herself in space , but that under the law as it stands a major general had to offer her an abject apology for the recruiting sergeant showing a welcome piece of common sense .
12 He did not know that her vivid imagination had given her a convincing picture of Julia 's death .
13 She found a penny and two ha'pennies in her purse , and the publican had served her a little port in exchange , which she sipped close to the blazing fire .
14 The French press noted that the Mauritanian government 's pro-Iraqi alignment during the Gulf war had lost it the financial support of certain Gulf states , leaving it more dependent on French aid .
15 Most significant of all , the war had produced what the New Deal had failed to do over eight years — full employment .
16 Candy 's reaction had afforded her a certain degree of comfort at the time , but now as she sat in the dressing-room , she was aware of a strange hollowness deep in the pit of her stomach .
17 That smile had afforded her a fleeting glimpse of another side of Adam Burns — a side that was warm and humorous .
18 this decision would be more helpful to sentencers in the Crown Court if the Court had indicated what the proper sentence at first instance would have been .
19 An earlier ferry had got me a front seat in one of the waiting buses .
20 The Street Duties sergeant at the police station had given him a hard time .
21 She had twisted and turned , struggling to free herself to no avail , until a well-aimed kick had won her a temporary respite .
22 Werner jerked his hand away as though the keyboard had given him an electric shock .
23 William Quekett was living in fashionable Well Close Square in the 1840s — a few doors away from John Frederick Hasted , Benjamin Titford 's cousin — but his real work lay in the poor courts and alleyways of the parish at large , where his dedication and Christian charity had made him a legendary figure .
24 Their shared interests and their long , friendly relationship had given them a complete understanding of each other 's character , and this finally developed , after their wedding , into a love that nothing could destroy .
25 Any mistake of law would mean that the authority had asked itself the wrong question , which would result in a jurisdictional error .
26 She was not about to confirm their obvious belief that the count had found himself a new woman .
27 The reasonable interpretation of their experience seems to demand that by the time the chain had reached them the actual result of the observation had become fixed .
28 His father had given him a plentiful supply of money and there was considerable justification for the war .
29 His solitary life had made him an accurate observer of wild creatures , and to him humans were but other creatures , rare , but the most dangerous and observable of all .
30 I told her that my ability as a golfer had secured me a good job at a finance company and a certain amount of time off for local competitions .
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