Example sentences of "[noun sg] he [vb past] into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Twelve minutes after the break he moved into the middle during a rare Palace break and was in just the right spot to hammer home a left-wing cross to give Palace a great victory and set up a 3rd round tie against Liverpool !
2 Cleared with the security guards at the desk he went into the lift that would take him down to a depth below the level of the Thames .
3 Every day when Dad came home from work he went into the bedroom and did n't come out .
4 She nodded , handed it to him and watched as he put her key into one of the locks and the duplicate he carried into the other , turning both simultaneously .
5 The cardboard he threw into the tent .
6 The day he walked into the manager 's office Norwich were bottom of the First Division and relegation was more a probability than possibility .
7 Leaving behind an amused wife he went into the livingi-room where Erika , dressed in a track suit , was having her breakfast .
8 MICHAEL Fagan yesterday revealed the truth about what happened the morning he broke into the Queen 's bedroom … ‘ nothing ’ .
9 Mark Roe had a closing 79 in which his score slipped beyond redemption with the drive he ripped into the dell at the 12th .
10 In 1985 Mr Honey launched the Etak Navigator , a $1,400 in-car navigation system , which could guide a driver to any address he punched into the system .
11 Without waiting for a response he stepped into the thicket .
12 Without waiting for an answer he ran into the open and down the path .
13 In that year he passed into the service of Richard de Clare , seventh Earl of Gloucester [ q.v. ] , as his steward and went round the earl 's estates hearing complaints against the earl 's officials .
14 In May last year he broke into the family 's him in Cheltenham , but he found nothing he wanted , so he set the house on fire .
15 As we turned into the driveway he reached into the glove pocket for a remote-control device ; at a masterful touch , the garage doors rolled up and away .
16 There was no doubt he crashed into the sea as I watched him hit , but I did not get a confirmation of this as there was no one else to see it and R.D.F. did n't seem to have much coverage up that way . ’
17 It made him feel sick and he was grey with misery by the time he walked into the school playground .
18 On his right , Doyle 's pale blue eyes were steady under the black hair , his face doubly familiar and hated because Tug saw something very like it every time he looked into the mirror .
19 He got to his feet and tried to fly up to get at Bower-bird , but every time he leaped into the air he fell back to earth .
20 In determining what constitutes a reasonable prospect it is to be assumed that the prospect given by the facts and other matters known to the creditor at the time he entered into the transaction resulting in the debt was a reasonable prospect ( s 271(4) ) .
21 To tell the truth , I did n't have a steady girlfriend at the time he swanned into the Cafè des Squires and exited with Gillian .
22 In spite of the profound dissimilarities between father and son , and the bitter personal conflicts between them , Frederick II remained always the executor of Frederick William I. ‘ Only his care , ’ he wrote of his father , ‘ his untiring work , his scrupulously just policies , his great and admirable thriftiness and the strict discipline he introduced into the army which he himself had created , made possible the achievements I have so far accomplished . ’
23 Leaving Maisie on the street he went into the shop .
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