Example sentences of "[noun sg] are [verb] within the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Of these , three are minor components ( VP1 , VP4 , VP6 ) that together with the ten double stranded RNA segments of the virus genome are enclosed within the core which is composed of two major proteins ( VP3 , VP7 ) , that in turn is enclosed by the two outer virion proteins ( VP2 , VP5 ) to form the complete virus particle ( 7 , 8 ) .
2 Because it forms slowly over geological time in the Cretaceous chalk , minute amounts of clay dispersed in the chalk are incorporated within the flint .
3 The students ' work with the children takes the form of planning and teaching a writing ‘ project ’ where the various purposes of writing are explored within the context of established primary school practice .
4 Two types of hierarchy are embedded within the class structure :
5 of course librarians are far from being a heterogeneous group , and there need be no doubt that all types of personality and approach are represented within the profession .
6 Seminars on Development Fund Projects , seminars and receptions for Employer Partners , conferences , the Enterprise Lecture are other means by which the activities of the Enterprise Centre are communicated within the University and also externally .
7 An electronic circuit , complete with microphone and battery are concealed within the tie , which for ease of use should be a clip-on type .
8 As temperature decreases with height in the troposphere ( reaching -40 to -80 °C at the tropopause ) , the effect of a warm stratosphere is to act as a ceiling or lid to vertical motion in the troposphere — that is , convective processes which produce clouds and precipitation are contained within the troposphere .
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