Example sentences of "[noun sg] are [verb] in [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The point of such clauses is to put the buyer in the position where his remedies for failure to perform or defective performance under the contract are limited in fact to compelling either proper performance under the contract ( by way of rework repair or replacement ) or the return of his money .
2 Passata and stock are used in preference to wine for the casserole , to allow the flavour of the young lamb and vegetables to dominate the dish .
3 ‘ But the Devonport proposals for nuclear submarine work are going in parallel to that , and that was put forward by ourselves really delinked from what the chairman was saying , as our initiative to attract and secure work . ’
4 The problems of deciding whether a pupil has mastered a concept or skill are discussed in relation to an experiment in giving pupils the same tests in different modes but similar in content and difficulty on two separate occasions .
5 In some cases of paradoxical pain — that is , patients with chronic nociceptive pain which does not respond to morphine — the ratio has been found to be much higher , meaning that lesser quantities of active 6-glucuronide are produced in proportion to the inactive , or even antagonistic , 3-glucuronide .
6 The role and importance of attitudes to energy conservation are investigated in relation to comfort requirements .
7 The limitations of a single linear scale are demonstrated in relation to realizations of five phonological variables in the city of Liverpool , of which one is an optionally merged variable ( u ? ) and ( o ? ) as in sure and shore .
8 There is no word-class corresponding to RP/ ? / , so that , for example , the two lexical items in the phrase good food are assigned in Belfast to the same rather than to different classes as in RP /g?d fu:d/ .
9 The map below shows where most of the hotels used by Cosmos are located in relation to ‘ greater Paris ’ and the EURO DISNEY RESORT .
10 Admittedly the former supplied twice as many houses as the latter but if the fatal cases of cholera during the entire epidemic are taken in proportion to the houses supplied , it will be seen that there were 610 deaths out of 10,000 houses supplied by the Southwark and Vauxhall company , whereas there were only 1 19 out of 10,000 supplied by the Lambeth Company .
11 2 ) to investigate the ways in which notions of the market are deployed in relation to ideas about the State , democracy and freedom , and are themselves equated with civil society itself , 3 ) to put ideas about the market into cross-cultural perspective in order to gain an understanding of how members of other cultures conceptualise , act upon and operate in relation to marketing activities .
12 Local politics are assumed in advance to be of a pluralist nature , and concerned with issues of consumption .
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