Example sentences of "[noun sg] are [verb] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 BLACK MUSLIMS FROM the Nation of Islam are gathered in force outside the Hackney Empire .
2 The main EEC based investment aid is through the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Scheme ( AHDS ) whereby enhanced rates of grant are paid for land in the LFA 's ‘ severely disadvantaged ’ zone .
3 IN the freezer at Tesco , 4lb packs of frozen petit pois are reduced by 80p to £1.69 and 2lb packs of frozen pommes noisettes are 65p , from £1.15 .
4 Nightmares of pure horror are expressed in dreams of cannibalism , gory deaths and graveyard ghouls .
5 At the same time changes of wave direction are imposed on waves by the sea bottom interfering with the flow pattern in the waves , but these directional changes are considered later on .
6 Politics have their bases in perceived interests of the working class , but their form and direction are mediated by capacities for action , and these are determined by local social structures ( p 62 ) .
7 Legionellae in the enviroment are found as parasites of protozoa in which intracellular multiplication can take place .
8 The point of such clauses is to put the buyer in the position where his remedies for failure to perform or defective performance under the contract are limited in fact to compelling either proper performance under the contract ( by way of rework repair or replacement ) or the return of his money .
9 However , its location and release of new energies within a literary text are based on discoveries of how that text negotiated its own culture .
10 The largest tortoises you will see in the park are descended from specimens from Aldabra Island in the Indian Ocean .
11 Swithland Woods are ancient deciduous woodlands , and with Bradgate Park are administered by Trustees with financial help from the County and Leicester City Councils .
12 What does it mean to say that periods of structural change are marked by changes in the direction and structure of industrial production ?
13 A pupil whose difficulties in learning and in social interaction are connected with difficulties in seeing and the way that these difficulties are regarded by others will require both understanding and knowledge of the nature of the problems from the teacher .
14 Although the reference to memory is not as direct as in the other questions it is clear that such decisions at the strategical level are based on memory in at least two separate ways .
15 For example , in the Chart diagram in Fig 3.1. , valid paths at the syntactic level are defined as groups of syntactic categories .
16 Denials of prejudice and racism are made by politicians on the New Right ( Gordon and Klug , 1986 ; see also , Schoen , 1977 , and Studlar , 1974 , for examples from Enoch Powell 's speeches ) .
17 ( a ) The meaning of description If goods sold by description are defined in terms of being identified or earmarked , then in the case of a contract for the sale of specific goods , non-correspondence with description ought logically to be impossible since s61(1) of SGA 1979 defines " specific goods " as including those identified and agreed upon at the time of the contract of sale .
18 But Mr Garrett said others who have taken only the three-hour assessment are responding to pursuits despite force guidelines prohibiting them .
19 Almost a year since the end of the Gulf War , more and more of the British men and women who took part are asking for help in straightening out their lives .
20 They carry Oto Melara and Breda Bofors guns , Otomat and Aspide missiles , and the radar and electronics are supplied by Philips in Holland at Holland Signal .
21 Countries to the east of us are in time zones with local time that is ahead of GMT , whereas local time and the time zones to the west are delayed with respect to ours .
22 Substantial sums of money are raised for charity by show-biz football teams .
23 Students , tutors and the curriculum are supervised by representatives of MSC and unnecessary luxuries like crêches attached to women 's courses are conspicuous by their absence ‘ in case women become dependent upon support services that will not be provided in the wider society ’ .
24 The profit definition considerations of an earnout are considered under heads of agreement ( see section 0610 below ) .
25 Farming subsidies at present are running at £1m. per day .
26 We are confronted with a number of paradoxes : Eliot proclaimed the impersonality of great poetry , and yet his own personality and experience are branded in letters of fire upon his work .
27 At present , promotion decisions in teaching are based on evidence from bland references , stilted interviews and lists of in-service training courses attended .
28 The process leading up to this and its likely consequences for teaching are discussed in detail in the article by Walsh .
29 A Fat Bloke who supports Man U informs us at length about some 5-year rule under which English Welshmen called Speed are deemed by UEFA to be Not Foreign , a rule which the management of Stuttgart Internazionale are strangely ignorant of .
30 Passata and stock are used in preference to wine for the casserole , to allow the flavour of the young lamb and vegetables to dominate the dish .
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