Example sentences of "[noun sg] at the [adj] [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 As Cynthia fell silent , the lawyer stole a quick glance at the dying woman and , shocked at the wastage of so young a life , he hastened to lighten Dorothy 's obvious distress .
2 Casting a disgusted glance at the buckled trike and at the throng pouring past him , south-bound , Grimm trotted northwards after the Assassin .
3 Can I can I say before I do launch into the amendment to Mr that you have played your card at the last election and the Leicestershire public has resoundedly given their answer to your particular policies .
4 His only serious challenger was E.S.B. , but Devon Loch was a length to the good at the last fence and started to pull away up the run-in , over a quarter of a mile long .
5 Under this alliance the Black Prince agreed to give Pedro help against his enemies , and the enemy whom Pedro had chiefly in mind was his illegitimate half-brother Henry of Trastâmara , who was in exile at the French court and was seeking French support for his designs upon the Castilian crown .
6 All the way to the station she asked it , Shall I jump out of the car at the next light and run ?
7 In this dimension , therefore , the speech community can be envisaged as being shaped like a pyramid , with greater variability at the lower end and greater convergence ( or relative uniformity ) at the upper end .
8 Nicky had ( and for all I know still has ) the reputation of being the best criminal defence lawyer at the Scottish bar and had on several occasions persuaded juries to acquit those whom he had every reason to believe were guilty .
9 You know , the one who feeds to routine , sleeps through the night at a fortnight old , gains weight at the average rate and does n't get a spotty face the day before he 's due to have his photo taken .
10 Increased weight at the republican end calls for increased weight at the loyalist end and the rise of Sinn Fein has added to the appeal of Paisley 's political postures .
11 If they start to fall beneath their percentile band then they are not growing or gaining weight at the expected rate and it is important to try to determine why this is happening .
12 The girls arrived then , breathless and laughing , and making sounds of disgust at the pervading smell and slime of birds ' droppings .
13 Souness will conduct tonight 's team talk at the pre-match hotel and then take a seat in the directors ' box as he starts a five-match touchline and dressing room ban .
14 But there was another wheel at the other end and there was a loch that the the f there were hill fields up between .
15 More explicitly he sees psychodynamic theories as the orthodoxy against which others have railed , either from a positivist and empirical critique ( leading to the development of behavioural social work ) ; or a radical analysis ( based upon a rejection of the individualization of problems and the location of disadvantage at the societal level and the consequent development of radical social work ) .
16 Athelstan stood outside his church and stared in pleasant disbelief at the blue-washed sky and the early morning sun as its rays danced and shimmered over the snow-covered roofs of his parish .
17 In Chapters 5 and 6 we counted only those paths which spanned the entire utterance , anchoring the beginning of the search at the left-hand end and ignoring all paths that failed to match through to the right-hand end .
18 There 's not much support in the village apart from the non-stipendiary , Deaconess Tilley , who does half-time at the primary school and a bit in the parish if she feels like it .
19 Writing as he was in the 1930s , he expressed his pleasure at the extensive documentation and reference material available to the student of art , instancing the growth of libraries and art historical teaching .
20 At censuses before the Second World War , men outnumbered women in the paid workforce by more than two to one , by the mid-1980s the ratio approaches even numbers with women accounting for 40 per cent of the labour force at the 1981 census and , in 1987 , 45 per cent of employees in employment .
21 Maddison and Shearer arrived at the Dell from their native north-east at the same time and shared a house when they were virtual unknowns .
22 He fired the Lee Enfield again ; Rory was getting the hang of this now , and aimed the shotgun at the same place and fired it , almost before the noise of Fergus 's shot had stopped echoing .
23 She was so surprised by the warmth of his smile , by his being able to smile so frankly , so like a friend , that when he said he was going to lunch at the Blue Lagoon and would she come too , she said yes , all right , without thinking .
24 About £250,000 had been spent over three years for work at the Dyslexic Centre and £34,000 went on research into the early identification of dyslexia .
25 It was a line that began with the excavation work at the Heavenite observatory and her first trip in the TARDIS ( how could you forget the TARDIS ? ) , continued with a confused recollection of pointing a gun at the Doctor in a tunnel somewhere , and ended on Sakkrat ( Sakkrat ?
26 ‘ If you would but use her , ’ said David , and turned his back and went to stare from the window at the frosty strand and the shifting , misty sea .
27 I would look out of the window at the blue sky and the cypresses and the sea , and pray for the day 's end , when I could retire to the masters ' wing , lie back on my bed and sip an ouzo .
28 He got up at last and stared out of the window at the empty road and the gravel pits , grey in the dawn light .
29 Kevin peered out of the window at the grey tarmac and the rain , and wondered what the family would say when they saw him and his wife .
30 Mary stared out of the train window at the grey sky and the rain .
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