Example sentences of "[noun sg] at [art] [det] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So the farrier and the handler both beat the same rhythm at the same time on different parts of the horse .
2 But the wavelength multiplied by the frequency is always equal to the velocity of light , so this decrease in wavelength has the result at the same time of increasing the frequency v. Inevitably we thereby increase the energy carried by a single photon and make its interaction with the electron correspondingly more rumbustious ( with the effect of increasing the degree of uncontrollable disturbance to its momentum ) .
3 English Heritage has recognised one of England 's greatest photographers by placing a Blue Plaque at the former residence of Roger Fenton ( 1819–1869 ) .
4 English Heritage has recognised one of England 's greatest photographers by placing a Blue Plaque at the former residence of Roger Fenton ( 1819–1869 ) .
6 Perform the latter test at the same time of day , as there can be a significant ( but not usually harmful ) fluctuation over a 24-hour period , particularly in a planted pool .
7 He was educated at Regent House School and later articled to a solicitor , reading law at the same time at Queen 's University , Belfast .
8 The founder of the choir , Donald Carter , has announced a further practice session at the same venue on Tuesday , starting at 7.30 p.m .
9 The second practice run takes place at the same time on Thursday .
10 You say there 's three candidates there who get , one who is actually earning the money that we pay and two that are n't , the quick fix is to say right we given you an opportunity to do this national accounts job at the same salary for six months , see if you can do it , and if you do it we confirm the salary .
11 This will be the case if , for example , you are asked to perform the same job at the same rate of pay but at a different office or factory and the move is catered for by a mobility clause in your contract .
12 It 's an extremely useful accessory if you 're working on more than one job at the same time in different places , so that the tools you need are always with you — and it 's invaluable for working from ladders or scaffolding .
13 Mr Malcolm White , head at Norton Primary School , will leave this summer after 38 years of working with children , and Mr Desmond Connell , head at St. Bede 's Primary School in Stockton , will take early retirement at the same time after a 36-year teaching career .
14 I mean , we we had , for instance , at th I do n't know if I 'm allowed to say this , but the Tennants sixes were , were on recently , there was an international match at the half time between , er Scotland and England which was was a really good game !
15 Earlier McCallen had lost the lead at the same point on lap two after being outbraked by Dunlop .
16 It does not indicate what the velocity will be at the same point at another instant or what it will be at any other geometrically similar point ( i.e. a point at the same distance from the axis ) .
17 The great novelist , in Nizan 's eyes , should be an " anti-Dostoievsky " , that is to say , a writer who can at one level emulate Dostoievsky 's ability to transpose on to the literary plane the anguish and despair of men and women struggling alone and unaided in the midst of a tragic social situation , and yet who can at another level go beyond Dostoievsky , offer a coherent explanation of the specific historical situation in which men and women are trapped , and focus attention at the same time on the political means of combating the injustices of their social condition .
18 To compare the new technique with the conventional intraoesophageal pH measurement , a method was developed to locate a pH electrode at the same point in the oesophagus as that monitored by the cadmium telluride detector .
19 Starting with an end between stem and stake , wrap the rose stem twice , snipping off the excess at the same point opposite the stake .
20 The A. & P. Gypsies , by the way , were among the very first stars to have a radio ‘ series ’ — a programme which was broadcast regularly from the same station at the same time of the same day of the week .
21 George Pittendrigh and I joined the organisation at the same time in the grey austere years after the war .
22 The instrument categories of Strings 1 and Strings 2 exist in order that a student can , if he/she wishes , register for two string instruments in the same module at the same level for different string techniques .
23 Management may be improved by having all goats in the herd at the same stage of pregnancy or lactation ; all these things are possible .
24 It followed a fire at 8:45pm on Wednesday night at the same farm in a shed containing almost six tonnes of straw .
25 GIL SCOTT HERON , Godfather of Hiphoprisy-style laid-back political grooves , follows his two recent sold-out nights at London Camden Centre , with an extra night at the same venue on November 7 .
26 Okay if the theory is , if you dropped a feather and a penny at the same time from the same height the theory is that they both should reach the ground
27 Although the position has been modified by statute , traditionally a joint liability can only be enforced by bringing the claim at the same time against all the vendors undertaking the liability .
28 Structures with similar appearances , in comparable locations , that differentiate from the same embryonic tissue at the same stage in development , can be identified relatively easily and , in general , their connections tend to be similar .
29 The problem might even be confined to England itself , for it is not unusual , particularly in the twelfth century , to find two systems of reckoning in use at the same time for different classes of computation .
30 Dick Hern would not be drawn into comparisons with Nashwan at the same stage of his career , but on yesterday 's evidence Hamdan Al Maktoum could well have a natural successor to his great champion .
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