Example sentences of "[noun sg] at [art] [det] time [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Yes my Lord er as soon as we went to the main bedroom which was the back bedroom at the same time as as that bedroom door opened , so the second team consisting of er P C P C would have gone into the second smaller bedroom and at the same time as we went in er P C and P C job er was to cover our backs in case of anybody in er the kitchen or the living area , the living room area .
2 It is unlikely a team will get all the details of its programme at the same time as the call to the work .
3 If you do not participate in regular exercise , then you should begin some sort of exercise programme at the same time as you begin your diet .
4 But when apparatchiks from Central Office , who have us acting as stewards ( ie , usherettes ) are often seen risking life and limb , SAS-style , in order to arrive at a doorway at the same time as a minister does , they are taking a serious risk with morale .
5 The President is elected by direct popular vote for a five-year term at the same time as elections take place to the 120-member National Assembly .
6 Legislative authority rests with the National Assembly , with 125 elective members , elected by direct popular vote for a five-year term at the same time as the President , and 10 members chosen by the President .
7 Immacolata said it glowed prettily , the light was flattering , and this recollection passed across his mind at the same time as he registered the woman 's contorted face , her blotched cheeks and veined eyes , and began to hear what she was saying :
8 If a letter is very good and the applicant clearly fits the job/ personnel specification fairly well you may wish to send out an appointment for an interview at the same time as the application form .
9 So Iran continues to uphold the territorial integrity of its old enemy at the same time as bombing it .
10 The new Business Rate , also known as the National Non-Domestic Rate ( NNDR ) , will come into effect at the same time as the Community Charge/Poll Tax on 1st April 1990. this leaflet is intended to outline the changes that are being made to the rating system and show how these changes will affect businesses in Oxford .
11 how can the thigh bone yeah be strong and light at the same time cos it 's hollow
12 If he does n't abstain , however , he must use this vote at the same time as everyone else .
13 It is likely to attract criticism from members on the grounds that it exploits the plight of the unemployed by using them as cheap labour at the same time as removing them from the unemployment statistics .
14 It was difficult while they were actually in the centre , of course , but she made sure she did n't go for coffee or to the staff canteen at the same time as him and she 'd avoided the social club completely .
15 In ( 135 ) , although make would have been possible , the writer has chosen cause , and has thus felt it to be more appropriate to represent the subject of the verb ( " raising the temperature of a compound " ) as an external condition which sets off a reaction of decomposition in compounds rather than as an agent which exerts its causative action at the same time as the reaction occurs .
16 The victim , of course , is permitted to seek rehabilitation through damages in a civil action at the same time as the libeller faces retribution in the criminal courts .
17 Icons are duplicated by holding the CTRL key at the same time as dragging the icon to its new location .
18 If the pilot is aware that the glider is stalled , applying the opposite rudder at the same time as moving forwards on the stick should result in some reduction in the yawing movement towards the dropping wing , and therefore must be a good thing .
19 We can use the power of narrative to intrigue and draw children into the work at the same time as teaching them about narrative ; teaching them how to manipulate it for themselves .
20 Then he can take her quietly into the conservatory at the same time as Mrs Hampton leaves the dining-room . ’
21 She hadgone to Banbury social services for help at the same time as her cousin Ian Barnes .
22 ‘ For an actor of his calibre , ’ recalls Gerald Thomas , ‘ and he was of a very high calibre indeed , he had the inability to play dialogue at the same time as he was handling props .
23 The first is simply to add a softener , such as ‘ Calgon ’ , to the washing machine at the same time as adding detergent , although many detergents contain softeners these days .
24 If there was any honour in this Government , Mr Heseltine 's resignation would have been on the Prime Minister 's desk at the same time as the High Court judgment .
25 This signalled the arrival of the half of the school that had NOT been early for assembly , who tried to enter the sports hall at the same time as the half that had just been thrown out tried to exit .
26 Since recall goes up as precision goes down , it is clearly not possible to achieve a system which gives full recall at the same time as full precision .
27 [ what is ] apparent during this period is the bewilderment and confusion of many sections of the liberal intelligentsia in grappling with the immigration issue at the same time as they had difficulties in understanding the new elements of youth culture brought on by the emergence of what was in popular parlance being termed an ‘ affluent society ’ .
28 If the pot-au-feu is for a special occasion you include as well a boiling chicken , but since so many kitchens are n't equipped with a soup pot large enough to hold a chicken at the same time as all the meat , this may have to be cooked separately .
29 He spoke to the lad who had come from the workhouse at the same time as Lydia .
30 Third , the political turbulence of the seventies born of economic failure and increasing unemployment , destroyed consensus and brought " conviction politics " and real choice back to the fore with a vengeance : the Conservatives rediscovered old roots in their opposition to state intervention and their commitment to the free market ; the Labour Party rediscovered socialism and attacked the free market of capitalism at the same time as they were eager to fashion an interventionist state ; the specifics of nationalist sentiment ebbed and flowed in unpredictable ways ; and only the Liberal-SDP Alliance seemed eager to try and recreate the moderate consensus politics and policies of the fifties , and they did this despite growing signs that the social and economic conditions that made those policies viable had ceased to exist .
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