Example sentences of "[noun sg] with [art] [noun pl] ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The club is continuing its association with the Consumers ' Association 's annual resort guide , the incomparable Good Skiing Guide , and is again cooperating in gathering skiers ' reports on the resorts they visit .
2 ‘ Making false claims about a second-hand item verbally or in a small ad is a serious offence , even when the proceeds go to charity , ’ according to Mr Keith Richards , a senior lawyer with the Consumers ' Association and the author of the report .
3 Keith Richards , a senior lawyer with the Consumers ' Association , believes personal recommendation is the best way to guarantee good value .
4 Twenty years old as she was , Ella had beaten her big sisters to the altar : Alice Maud , the eldest , waited a further two years before marrying Frank Foote , a clerk in Godsell 's Brewery in Stroud , Gloucestershire , in which town she herself had served an apprenticeship with a ladies ' hairdresser in High Street .
5 I ask about his work with the veterans ' organisation .
6 A subsequent search and investigation of her papers , such as they were , revealed a very large cargo of brandy in the hold , damning correspondence with the ships ' agent in Belgium , and some unconvincing reasons for her change of destination from Sweden to Spain .
7 Interpretive cases can be made for both versions as appropriate and in keeping with the plays ' directions .
8 Although Barber found himself in the political wilderness with the Tories ' fall from power after the death of Queen Anne in 1715 , he remained loyal to his friends and true to his Tory principles .
9 In October the Principal wrote further to express the Academic Board 's disagreement with the visitors ' findings .
10 He would have forfeited the fragile trust Surere had put in him , and if he turned him over to Kenamun , he would lose all trace of the delicate thread that seemed , somehow , to link Surere with the girls ' deaths .
11 The owners of the major-league clubs ( they have increased in number from 26 to 28 with the creation of the Florida Marlins and the Colorado Rockies ) will also have to conclude a new contract with the players ' union .
12 And Joseph Fernandez 's old job has other complications : being second-guessed continuously by an unelected board of education that puts its small moral agenda above all else , sabotaged by the remains of corrupt school boards , starved of federal money and unable to settle on a contract with the teachers ' union .
13 In 1828 he began five years as an apprentice apothecary with the Apothecaries ' Company of London .
14 There was no chance , Everett told them , of raising that sort of money with the Founders ' powers .
15 When not in conflict with the parties ' agreement or with the CMI Rules , the Uniform Rules of Conduct for the Interchange of Trade Data by Teletransmission ( UNCID ) also govern the parties ' conduct .
16 Caterers may come into contact with the Magistrates ' Court in this way if they commit one of a number of offences relating to their profession , for example licensing offences , or offences under the Food Safety Act 1990 , or possibly offences under the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 .
17 But we 've been involved with two specific projects that we 've worked on in conjunction with the tenants ' association ,
18 More members are needed for this class which is organised in conjunction with the Teachers ' Training Course and is helping to support it .
19 Therefore we are currently reexamining the role of future events of this kind in conjunction with the Students ' Union and the Careers Advisory Service .
20 The SDP leader , Chiam See Tong , announced that he would seek an alliance with the Workers ' Party whose general secretary , Joshua Jeyaretnum , declared himself ready to co-operate .
21 Retailer Dixons includes a directors ' responsibilities statement on a separate page with the auditors ' report .
22 The nursery school used a modified version of the SOED questionnaire for Staff ( Nursery Form ) which made comparison with the parents ' views easier .
23 Current assets , such as debtors , stocks and cash , amount to £33,000 , which is fairly paltry in comparison with the creditors ' figure of £400,000 , three quarters of which is due within one year .
24 Some system might be adopted ( Clause 13.06 ) for coordinating applications for new certificates ; ( 2 ) to maintain bank accounts in accordance with the Solicitors ' Accounts Rules and to provide for restrictions on drawings from such accounts ( Clauses 6.0.4 and 6.0.6 ) .
25 It has been held by the High Court that an agreement to settle an appeal made under s 54 , TMA 1970 was subject to the ordinary laws of contract and that it was therefore subject to rectification where , because of a mistake , the agreement was not in accordance with the parties ' intentions ( p 100 ) .
26 It was therefore subject to rectification where , because of a mistake , the agreement was not in accordance with the parties ' intentions .
27 Rule 2 of the Solicitors ' Practice Rules 1990 provides : Solicitors may at their discretion publicise their practices , or permit other persons to do so , or publicise the businesses or activities of other persons , provided there is no breach of these rules and provided there is compliance with a Solicitors ' Publicity Code promulgated from time to time by the Council of the Law Society with the concurrence of the Master of the Rolls .
28 The governors ' policy will be relevant : the 1986 Act requires the head teacher to ensure that there is compliance with the governors ' policy statement on sex education at the school .
29 Compliance with the Solicitors ' Publicity Code and the Introductions and Referrals Code is a minimum requirement though any more rigorous regulations of the local jurisdiction must also be observed .
30 Unless an appeal committee comes to the conclusion that compliance with the parents ' preference would prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources , the local education authority remains under a duty to comply with the expressed preference and if they fail to do so they are in breach of duty .
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