Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [v-ing] [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 It was difficult to x-ray his leg so far up , and as it was a small machine and needed a relatively long exposure it was hard to get a clear picture with him shaking as the poor boy was doing by this time .
2 On relating the story to Mr Bailey , the man asked whether a train service was running at that time of night .
3 These formed far and away the largest group in the population of Europe , and it is the evidence that their numbers were expanding rapidly which offers the most substantial proof that the population of western Christendom as a whole was rising at this time .
4 First , it is clear that they would need to be mutually oriented ; they would each need to be aware of what the other was doing at any time .
5 It was considered that rough copper was costing at that time £3 : 15s : 0d to produce but would sell for only £2 : 16s : 0d at the most .
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