Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [v-ing] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Creggan was beginning to read the windscape around him and to plan a route by it .
2 Even as she watched , the snow was beginning to cover the car .
3 Ogilvie had been executed for treason , but his real crime was refusing to acknowledge the king 's dominion in matters spiritual .
4 While DUC members individually might have supported various other political campaigns such as CND and the anti-nuclear movement , they saw that success against uranium mining in Donegal would result only from a single-issue , locally-based and respectable campaign : ‘ The DUC was trying to get the support of the local community , was trying to get the County Council on their side and this was n't going to happen if you 're gon na have people running around burning JCBs ’ .
5 Our administration was beginning to take the cutter service more seriously and we , serving officers , began to feel as though we were becoming a more permanent and desirable feature of Customs controls .
6 Their complaint was that the accountancy expert was going to interpret the agreement , which was a matter of law , and that he had announced that he would be assisted by a law firm .
7 Though no amount of apologising was going to excuse the fact that she had deliberately misled them , even given that she had only misled them from the best of motives — so that they should not worry .
8 That the local council was attempting to get the building listed .
9 On this occasion the judge was trying to protect the reputation of the female defendant , but the enthusiasm of the popular press could not so easily be quelled .
10 Opposition came primarily from students but was minor compared with the pervasive feeling that the war was laying to rest the ghost of the unsuccessful US involvement in Vietnam 20 years earlier .
11 However , the shadow of war was beginning to cloud the cricket world .
12 In the shorter term , the kaleidoscope of the Second World War was going to accelerate the process and would present opportunities both for independence and revolution .
13 Nature irresistibly asserts itself , and no amount of talking by ICC match referee Clyde Walcott before the match was going to suppress the volatility of several of the Pakistan cricketers .
14 Nour was beginning to doubt the evidence of his senses .
15 I knew the Maggot was dying to hear the senator 's business , but even the Maggot had enough delicacy to wait until we had safely delivered the senator to Nassau before asking .
16 You never knew these days when a casual remark was going to provide the justification for someone stalking you with an automatic rifle .
17 When she smiled that big smile with her slightly too big mouth and too many very white teeth it was as if the explosion was starting to blow the top of her head off .
18 Dusk was beginning to touch the forest and deep shadows lay across the small clearing where they sat down .
19 I was just wondering when the right hon. and learned Gentleman was going to tell the House how his Government intend to get out of the recession that they have created .
20 Evidently the listener was choosing to interpret the adjective ascriptively , but equally obviously the correspondent had intended it associatively .
21 And I could see I was going to get warmer still because the bullock was beginning to enjoy the game , kicking up his heels and frisking around after each attempt .
22 The current was starting to tip the canoe over and I began to panic as the boat was filling up rapidly and I tried my best to bail it out with my hands but had little success .
23 Faced with that dilemma the plaintiffs chose to endeavour to run the business to an early sale and that is what they did my Lord and er the premises were put back on the market er in the early part of nineteen eighty six and er it is pleaded that er in in paragraph six statement of claim , that in May er a buyer came forward but that sale did not go ahead er because there were unreasonable delays on the part of the purchaser erm and er the deal fell through but then again in July er after the business had ceased trading , another buyer was found and then there was a lengthy period of negotiations at the conclusion of which the sale price was reduced because at that stage the plaintiff 's landlord was going to increase the rent er and the plaintiffs were at that stage under threat of forfeiture and eventually contracts were exchanged on the sixth of November nineteen eighty six the sale price being eighty one thousand five hundred and er completion was on the fifth of December nineteen eighty six .
24 The remaining third consisted of some jokes from Zach , a few sentences about animals from George and a patriotic essay from Ginnie about how collecting salvage was helping to win the war .
25 Miller 's End was empty , and no one but a stray farm-worker was going to use the lane .
26 The first declaration he gave to Pineau to take back to France would almost certainly have disappointed resisters : its denunciation of the Third Republic was a little too sweeping for Pineau 's taste ( one has to remember that by this stage the bitter experience of Vichyism and Nazism was beginning to rehabilitate the reputation of republicanism in France ) , and it had almost nothing to say about social or economic reform .
27 ‘ You must listen to this , ’ said Hugo , and Valerie , out of simple love , stopped writing and listened , though Lover at the Gate was in mid-flow and she did not want her concentration spoiled : what she now put on the page was beginning to have the quality of automatic writing : she feared the cutting-in of her own rationality : doubt would come with it , and hesitation .
28 The British Telecom mechanic was intending to re-paint the van ready for the Rally , when he discovered woodworm in the wooden panels and structure .
29 The manager was refusing to allow the Committee to use the hall for nothing .
30 Ace was beginning to get the message .
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