Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Bovine gall bladder was obtained from the local abattoir and transferred on ice to the Laboratory within 20 minutes of slaughter .
2 This biopsy was taken from the anterior surface of the right lobe of the liver .
3 No biopsy was performed in the other cases but the lung opacity on the chest x ray or computed tomogram had the same macroscopic aspect as in the cases of proved lung lymphoma and responded to chemotherapy as well as the gastric lesion .
4 Plasmid DNA for ethidium bromide-CsCl equilibrium density gradient centrifugation and for rapid small scale isolation was prepared by the alkaline lysis method .
5 The government 's growing sense of isolation was heightened by the damaging outcome of the Turkish War of 1877–78 .
6 Changez and Jamila sat apart , and although I tried to catch them looking at each other , I can guarantee that not a single surreptitious glance was exchanged by the future bed-mates .
7 As an example , the Lewis Association was formed in the 1930's , and it took on a life of its own by promoting research and by issuing booklets .
8 The Association was founded by the deaf themselves in 1890 , on the appearance of the Report of the Royal Commission on the Deaf , Blind , etc. , which published suggestions altogether unsuited to the social , moral , intellectual , and spiritual welfare of the deaf , and it is the only association of its kind in existence in the United Kingdom .
9 THE University of Stirling Graduates ' Association was founded in the early 1970s to represent the interests of Stirling graduates on the University Conference and Court and to provide social and other activities for graduates to maintain their links with the University and their contemporaries .
10 Rhythm was controlled over the long paragraphs ; articulation crystal-clear .
11 The continuing reluctance of the US Administration to agree to any specific targets on emissions or third-world aid was identified as the principal brake on progress .
12 Although the deal was supported by the federal leadership of all three of the country 's major political parties and by Quebec 's Liberal Premier Robert Bourassa , many supporters of the separatist Parti Québecois opposed the package .
13 The 3 year deal was struck in the late 80s when Kevin Maxwell was in control of United .
14 A deal was made between the three of them .
15 It seems that a deal was hatched behind the closed doors of the Conference , by which Unionists accepted a widening of the franchise to include all men and some women , in return for a Liberal agreement to accept some plural votes and a complete redistribution of seats .
16 A trade magazine journalist was ordered in the High Court to disclose the source of commercially sensitive information .
17 A trade magazine journalist was ordered in the High Court to disclose the source of commercially sensitive information .
18 A trade magazine journalist was ordered in the High Court to disclose the source of commercially sensitive information .
19 But while there was no direct link between the Victoria Press and the later recruitment of women in Edinburgh , the Scottish capital was the one place in Britain where Emily Faithfull 's experiment was imitated in the 1860s .
20 All became clear when the jeep was unloaded at the other end .
21 Chancelot Flour Mill and Warehouse was completed in the Western Harbour adjacent to the Rank complex by the Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society .
22 Kitchin was apprenticed to the map-engraver Emanuel Bowen [ q.v. ] on 6 December 1732 .
23 The gullibility of the electorate was tested to the nth degree by the promises of ; more taxi licences , a ‘ better ’ carnival , ‘ good and plenty water ’ and the equally uninspired promise from one candidate that , if reelected , he would abolish dog licences .
24 The reasoning was convoluted in the extreme , and Alexei blinked .
25 True , the lawful use of force might then be met with unlawful resistance which would in turn be likely to give rise to harm to the person whose use of force was justified in the first place .
26 Due to the greater degree of nationalisation which had taken place throughout Western Europe since the end of the war , it was discovered , in 1960 , that approximately forty per cent of the labour force was employed by the various governments .
27 In Ajdabiya the force was recruited from the local population and had its complement of Zuwaya and Magharba ; only Muhammad Ali , the deputy chief , was an outsider .
28 A modern police force was established in the 1860s , but until 1906 it remained largely confined to urban areas .
29 In the case of the Gulf , cover for America 's use of force was provided by the United Nations , and this was useful .
30 Ostenecrosis was mentioned for the first time when the patient was seen by an orthopaedic surgeon with new radiographs ( see Figs 1 and 3 ) 30 months after the first bowel symptoms .
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