Example sentences of "[noun sg] was [verb] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After seventy years of atheism , religion was re-emerging in the Soviet Union .
2 No biopsy was performed in the other cases but the lung opacity on the chest x ray or computed tomogram had the same macroscopic aspect as in the cases of proved lung lymphoma and responded to chemotherapy as well as the gastric lesion .
3 THE University of Stirling Graduates ' Association was founded in the early 1970s to represent the interests of Stirling graduates on the University Conference and Court and to provide social and other activities for graduates to maintain their links with the University and their contemporaries .
4 The 3 year deal was struck in the late 80s when Kevin Maxwell was in control of United .
5 A trade magazine journalist was ordered in the High Court to disclose the source of commercially sensitive information .
6 A trade magazine journalist was ordered in the High Court to disclose the source of commercially sensitive information .
7 A trade magazine journalist was ordered in the High Court to disclose the source of commercially sensitive information .
8 Chancelot Flour Mill and Warehouse was completed in the Western Harbour adjacent to the Rank complex by the Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society .
9 The reasoning was convoluted in the extreme , and Alexei blinked .
10 Cellular proliferation was increased in the proximal colon ( bromodeoxyuridine labelling index , higher fibre 9.3 , low fibre 8.4 p<0.05 ; flow cytometry , % cells in S phase higher fibre diet 7.9 , low fibre 6.9 ; p<0.01 ) and there was a shift of proliferating cells to a higher region in each crypt .
11 The main oppidum or tribal centre of the Votadini was excavated in the early years of this century on Traprain Law , a steep volcanic upthrust from the East Lothian plain .
12 The club was mentioned in the ghosted autobiographies of countless rock stars .
13 It is now privately owned , and in 1967 a new vicarage was built in the extensive grounds .
14 W HEN Callaghan returned , tanned but tired , on January 11 from a Caribbean summit he was asked about the state of crisis and his tetchy reply was paraphrased in the tabloid headlines as ‘ Crisis — What Crisis ? ’
15 Opposition was concentrated in the Russian Supreme Soviet and the pro-democratic forces around Yeltsin , who accused the SCSE of " treason " and called troops to obey the RSFSR leadership .
16 I did not know this during his lifetime , and used to think him wanting in originality because his mind was absorbed in the mathematical world . ’
17 At least it showed that the girl 's mind was working in the right direction .
18 The median ( range ) fasting serum gastrin concentration was raised in the uraemic patients compared with the non-uraemic patients but was similar in the uraemic patients with ( 95 pmol/l ( 52–333 ) ) or without ( 114 pmol/l ( 47–533 ) ) H pylori infection .
19 In this study , a significantly greater total lipid concentration was found in the hepatic bile of cholesterol gall stone patients .
20 A demonstration was held in the Slovak capital , Bratislava , on Oct. 28 , on the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the Czechoslovak Republic , in support of a continuing federation .
21 He seemed as tense as a newly released convict , and that tension was reflected in the percussive piano style with which he treated the opening up-beat R&B and country selections , including Mean Woman Blues and You Win Again .
22 Yes the briefing was held in the early hours of Monday morning .
23 Wang Sau-leyan was sitting in the far corner of the room , turning the gift the Ping Tiao had given him in his hands , studying it .
24 The draft programme was published in the central press for public discussion in October 1985 ; altogether , Gorbachev told the 27th Congress the following February , six million responses had been received from ordinary citizens , raising a whole variety of issues .
25 To mark the occasion a declaration of intent ceremony was held in the Central Gardens on Wednesday , watched by crowds of local people .
26 The study was conducted in the metabolic suite of the MRC Dunn Clinical Nutrition Centre , Cambridge .
27 An attempt was made in the Legal Advice and Assistance Act 1972 ( now consolidated in the Legal Aid Act 1988 ) to extend the scope of legal aid beyond the confines of civil and criminal litigation .
28 Another attempt was made in the following year between July 13 and 27 and was completely successful .
29 A coup attempt was launched in the early hours of Oct. 13 when a group of soldiers unsuccessfully attacked an arsenal close to N'Djamena airport .
30 This practice was upheld in the High Court , where Skinner J. accepted that , in the case before him , the police ‘ honestly and reasonably form[ed] the opinion that there [ was ] a real risk of a breach of the peace in the sense that it [ was ] in close proximity both in place and time ’ .
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