Example sentences of "[noun sg] is [prep] [art] same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The extra court sitting is on the same day as the other hearings so we have to rush between the courts .
2 Irony is at the same time a characteristic form of the contemporary imagination and a way of thinking the specific forms of engagement which the distractions of the everyday and the interruptions of its temporality might facilitate in television viewing .
3 Well , really , how to make a cup of tea is like the same thing as making a cup of coffee first you have to take the kettle to the tap , turn the tap on and fill up the kettle , then take the kettle back to the ma , erm , where you got it from and plug it into the wa wall .
4 It might be worth recalling Walter Benjamin 's view that there is always a verso and recto to history — each document of civilisation is at the same time a document of barbarism .
5 None the less , what the United States data imply is that the upward trend in recorded crime is in the same direction as actual victimization , although at a slower rate .
6 With loop-in wiring , the wires are labelled carefully , and drawn up into the space above the ceiling , where they should be reconnected in a junction box , in exactly the same way that they were connected in the ceiling rose , and a cable taken from this junction box to the light fitting through the hole in the ceiling ( if the new light fitting is in the same place ) .
7 I ca n't believe the review is of the same show I saw .
8 Even under such conditions there may be cases where a weigher , from his own observations , is not satisfied that the vehicle is in the same condition as when tared .
9 ‘ I once heard her say ’ , Hortensia went on , ‘ that a large boy is about the same weight as an Olympic hammer and therefore he 's very useful for practising with . ’
10 The bow is of the same openwork trifoliate design but has a additional small know mounted on the top .
11 We feel that , for an Englishman , to ask this question is at the same time to answer it .
12 Niort is about the same distance by the parallel N150 .
13 A mechanic when he hits on an idea that makes him some money in a suggestion scheme though the joy is of the same substance but he will not feel the same depth of emotion as Einstein or Dante did .
14 The viewer 's eye is also kept happier if the centre of attention is in the same position within the frame before and after each cut .
15 Kirkland is of the same sort of ‘ mainstream ’ school as Geoff Keezer and his curriculum vitae is also impressive ; he 's played with both Wynton and Branford Marsalis , as well as in the pop arena with Sting 's group ( on the ‘ Dream of Blue Turtles ’ album , along with Branford ) and with David Sanborn , among others .
16 They believe the garden centre business is at the same stage of development as DIY was a decade ago .
17 Delta is in the same field with Eta ( 4.3 ) .
18 My hon. Friend is in the same party as I am , as far as I understand .
19 Make sure the replacement water is at the same temperature as the pondwater — and this goes for the water in any temporary containers as well .
20 This person is about the same age but earns a bit more and so on and so forth , so your age increases .
21 Chartres Cathedral is of the same pattern as the others but is given a different appearance by the spires on the western towers ( 433 ) .
22 Using × 7 , Iota is in the same field with g ( 4.3 , orange ) , l ( a Cepheid , with a range of from 3.4 to 4.8 and the unusually long period , for a Cepheid , of 35 days ) , R ( a Mira variable , with a range of from 4 to 10 and therefore easy with binoculars for part of its 309-day period ) and the red N Velorum ( 3.1 ) .
23 It is worth noting too that it can arise in different types of trust , either in a simple trust for restitution , for instance on death ; or in a continuing trust such as the fideicommissa familiae relicta discussed in Chapter IV , in which each successive beneficiary is at the same time a trustee for other family members .
24 Her carer is her daughter whose flat is in the same block .
25 Although Mensch 's theory is in the same tradition as Schumpeter 's , the mechanism that triggers the clustering of innovations is industry 's common experience of low rates of profit as the profitability of the old family of technology that fuelled the last boom is exhausted .
26 Rather when Carla comes back Monday you 've got to tape the with a bit of wood the window just outside the door because the bolt is on the same side .
27 And their bridge is in the same place .
28 Despite our finding that television news is biased , there is no doubt that it is less biased than the press , and that such bias as there is on television is in the same direction on both BBC and ITV .
29 The Kingdom is at the same time a heavenly as well as an earthly reality .
30 ( With × 12 , the cluster is in the same field with p and q . )
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