Example sentences of "[noun sg] is [verb] [conj] [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm calling of the C E C. Whilst is coming to the rostrum , just make the point colleagues that it 's nearly ten years since G C H Q and a massive demonstration is planned when that particular date occurs and we 're gon na be very much involved in it .
2 The quality of sleep is normally judged by the degree of oblivion achieved , in the same way that digestion is counted as most satisfactory when we are least aware of it .
3 Lucas maintains that , in an economy in which all nominal prices are rising , workers face a twofold ‘ signal extraction ’ problem ( see Sheffrin , 1983 ) : ( a ) ascertaining whether the real supply price of labour is changing when all other prices are in a state of flux ; ( b ) evaluating the temporary and permanent components of a change in real wages which , in the light of ( a ) , may accompany across the board changes in prices .
4 Hence there must be a facility for storing the cross- reference until it is required , and a system by which the editor is reminded that that cross- reference needs to be written in at the other point ( earlier or later in the text ) .
5 One of the basic long-term objectives of the plan is to ensure that any exploitative use of a marine mammal population is conducted in a humane manner .
6 The safest plan is to assume that any such specified time refers to Inbound Leg time .
7 Guar bread appears to be the answer to the baker 's prayer ; it counters the popular belief that all bread is fattening and that white bread is too refined to be healthy .
8 ( ii ) Next , a check is made that all referenced files are present .
9 Judicial review of the exercise of discretionary powers by administrative bodies has been self-consciously based on the need to ensure that the intention of the legislature is implemented and that discretionary power is subjected to some sort of control in the name of the Rule of Law .
10 Here the process is repeated until all Southern Hemisphere flux is eliminated and then reversed .
11 The important point is to recognize that these methodological difficulties exist and allow awareness of them to influence our interpretation of experimental results .
12 A re-alignment is needed and some significant additions made to the RE programme .
13 WAIT_FLAG — is an input parameter specifying whether the procedure is to check that all online modules are read out to the specified directory before returning .
14 WAIT_FLAG/ — is an input parameter specifying whether the procedure is to check that all online modules are read out to the specified directory before returning .
15 WAIT_FLAG/ — is an input parameter specifying whether the procedure is to check that all online modules are read out to the specified directory before returning .
16 The graph is connected if any two nodes in it are the ends of a path .
17 Those making this journey should ensure that the stopcock is closed and all electrical appliances switched off before departure .
18 From the point of view of policy , therefore , there is much to be said for the view that no independent tort is committed when all that is threatened , in the two-party situation , is a breach of contract , though there is not very much authority for such a proposition .
19 Our concern is to see whether any new mechanism of decline is at work . ’
20 Such analytic paraphrases are usually conducted from the position of a specific ( even though not always openly or clearly stated ) ontological bias ; and often the assumption is made that all purportive references to " non-meanings " in factual statements , in the final analysis , can be translated into references to ontological existents of the preferred sort .
21 Also , because of the way fresh bound variable is created for every input , no variable that contains a value relevant to the program is overwritten until this final assignment .
22 In the words of Leolin Price , QC : ‘ All that is needed in any particular matter is to show that some individual Member State will not take government action at Member State level to achieve what is proposed .
23 Because of the peculiar restricted hours that banks open I am unable to visit the branch where the account is held and any over-the-counter transactions — usually only 2 per year — have to be made at another branch .
24 One objective of the analysis is to show that this institutional arrangement will cause local authority spending to differ from the usual predictions of the traditional model .
25 The first symptom of such a change is to accept that all past data collected on UFOs are , in scientific terms , largely useless .
26 It is important that love and forgiveness are still shared , that tenderness is shown and that constant healing follows understandable outbursts on both sides .
27 This subsector is recognized as another growing one and it has been further differentiated in recent years by the recognition of a specifically educational , volume travel market .
28 Although Glasgow speakers , like most Scots , do not distinguish fool from full , for some speakers the word class is subdivided because some lexical items may occur with a front unrounded vowel , e.g. [ sk ? l ] for school , and others a with low back unrounded vowel , e.g. [ p ? l ] for pull but * [ sk ? l ] and * [ p ? l ] are not found .
29 Whilst some theists like to bask in their own linguistic confusions , the more dangerous temptation is to pretend that some simple formula like ‘ love ’ or ‘ supreme being ’ — or even ‘ infinite potential ’ — can somehow solve all theological problems .
30 The reader is reminded that all that has been written so far has been dealing with the First and Second Periods into which the development of the Created God has been divided .
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