Example sentences of "[noun sg] that they [vb past] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the empire of the Tsars , the twin revolutions offered such a strikingly different alternative that they overshadowed the remarkable changes elsewhere — the disintegration of the Habsburg and Ottoman empires , and the appearance of a host of new States .
2 Kirsten proved a fine role model for the impressionable Rhodes throughout the tour , and while on the surface the pair could n't be more contrasting in appearance or temperament , there is no doubting that they shared the same total commitment to their game and country .
3 And it was to their credit that they accepted the new er system er and the new times .
4 The constables were keen to display to the field-worker that they knew the appropriate law to apply and that the law gave formal justification to their decisions , but there were a variety of other factors which facilitated this sensitive interpretation of the law .
5 It was only when doing a post-mortem that they discovered the two small puncture marks side by side on her left buttock .
6 When we debated the matter last year , some hon. Members opposed the Bill on the ground that they opposed the then route for the rail link .
7 Such was their passion that they tore the hapless Pentheus to shreds in an orgiastic fury .
8 It is while at an Instructor training course at the scouts ' Longbridge centre that they met the infamous Saun Baker and started to paddle with an informal group of Thames weir bashers .
9 It was only some time later when he was safely on his way to Theatre that they realised the whole lot had been filmed .
10 They prefaced their findings by the statement that they applied the objective test to determine whether the vehicle was intended or adapted for use on public roads and they asked the question which was suggested by Lord Parker in Burns v Currell 1963 2QB 433,440 .
11 While the actual canals , together with their locks , bridges and wharfs , have their own intrinsic interest , far more significant is the fact that they allowed the easy and cheap movement of bulk cargoes over long distances .
12 Oldham , who have now gone seven away games without a win , will rue the fact that they dominated the first half but failed to turn it to advantage .
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