Example sentences of "[noun sg] i 've [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 erm I 'm very sad to be leaving Oxford , I 've very much enjoyed working here , and it 's been good to work for a council with such a high commitment to H I V , and to fighting Aids , and erm I very much the support I 've had from the committee and I hope it will continue erm in this way .
2 Then there 's the money I 've made at the races .
3 ‘ It was the most frightening experience I 've had in the series . ’
4 That we 're reviewing what progress I 've made in the targets that I 've set myself .
5 The final word I would say to you that from the brief glance I 've had of the responses of the consultation appeared around a dozen .
6 If he 's glaringly out , I 'll then use the template I 've made from the bass and snare samples , quantise that and get him to play cymbals and hi-hat again on top .
7 But the effect I 've had on the straight world , the fact that they come to me and they feel comfortable , half knowing that maybe I 've been involved in … what to them is alternative sexuality , is a positive thing . ’
8 If I ca n't get promotion on the basis of all the hard work I 've done for the organisation over the last five years then I do n't know how I can get it .
9 ‘ I feel deeply honoured to have been given the opportunity of continuing the work I 've started in the last 16 months , ’ he said .
10 See the arrow I 've painted on the ground ?
11 No , but I have been stoically quoting your figures to defend Leeds against the baiting I 've had on the basis of the MOTD footage that everyone seems to have seen .
12 And this was a particularly popular view in the nineteen sixties and you found lots of people arguing that the American system needed reform that here was the president who was hamstrung by congress , or in the er in the er question I 've set in the , in the programme , you know , the president is less Gulliver in Lilliput , you know , as more like Pinocchio in Lilliput erm that the president has enormous responsibilities , that the nation looks to the president , the world looks to the president but the president ca n't do anything and that you need an increase in presidential power .
13 Throughout that period I 've canvassed for the Labour Party , I 've campaigned for the Labour Party , I 've argued for the Labour Party and one of the items that made me join the Labour Party and one of the items I got other people to join the Labour Party was that Labour was a mass Party , because it consisted of hundreds of thousands of individual members and it consisted of millions of trade unionists .
14 Now the question arises : have my taste-buds been ruined by the muck I 've plucked from the mouths of babes ?
15 The rest I 've put in the gutter off the path and of course the wind 's blown them all back off again .
16 The name I 've got on the manifest is for a Mr George Nixon .
17 This month I 've concentrated on the standard gauge punchcard models , but there are also finegauge and chunky models .
18 That 's right so you then go into the en suite room , well I can not tell you the trouble I 've had from the en suite !
19 There 's actually another complaint this morning I 've had on the first floor of G P House .
20 The result is so infantile , feeble and unfunny that I left after 50 minutes — and you should see some of the rubbish I 've endured to the end .
21 Erm perhaps I could answer that Chairman by saying that the policy I 've suggested from the Humberside structure plan would er would I think cover that er problem in that it starts off by saying , Proposals for industry and commerce that are not in accordance with the relevant policies of this plan will not normally be permitted .
22 Well , at this stage of the season I 've said in the past that there 's lots of football to be played , and there still is .
23 She has also warned me that the little porcelain giggling buddha I 've put in the tomato plant pot outside my front door ‘ will probably be nicked by the Arab boy who delivers the newspapers . ’
24 I 'm not sure whether , you see I think the management time issue is very related to this , but I think it 's a separate issue , it 's a major concern I 've got at the moment that there is , I mean I know everybody 's got their own arguments but there has been no time at ever in the future that anybody who goes back further than twenty years in the service can recall , where York has had such a small amount of management time as it 's
25 That 's one thing I 've learnt in the police force . ’
26 That 's another thing I 've learnt in the police . ’
27 One thing I 've learnt in the last half hour is the speed at which the rules of debate seem to be changing and it will not surprise you to hear that as Mr Allenby and Harrogate District Council have moved towards Professor Lock 's point of view , they have moved away from the Civic Society 's point of view .
28 I might have checked out the financial aspects of buying into the station , but one thing I 've learned over the years is that you can never do too much research .
29 This very brief motion I 've discussed with the convenor who will accept it and also with the general secretary of worl of the board of the world mission who was ready also to co-operate with it .
30 Happy May Day , and I 'm so sorry about the muddle with the draft I 've enquired at the head office of the Bank of Scotland , where I got it made out , and they seemed to think your Brno bank was being a bit dim , or perhaps even obstructionist , in telling you they could n't deal with it and that you 'd have to go to Prague to get it cashed .
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