Example sentences of "[noun sg] for the [adj] [noun] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Finally he suggested that the committee would have to look both at the alternative provision for the 16–19 age-group that was provided by BTEC , CGLI , CVPE , and RSA ( all that which is to come under the general control of the new National Council for Vocational Qualifications ) and at the extent to which pupils who have followed GCSE courses may have become accustomed to a different kind of assessment procedure from that incorporated in A levels .
2 He has little sympathy for the Arab nationalism that destroyed the Jews of Baghdad and the Christian Assyrians , and he quotes at length from Stephen Bloom 's ‘ almost lyrical ’ account of a Romanian childhood where Germans , Slovaks , Russians , Greeks , Turks , Armenians and Jews provided harmonious diversity .
3 The Marxist critic reading a text for the ideological traces that it attempts to conceal — ‘ Hegelian grammar ’ is inescapable in such contexts — by its evasive gaps and silences , has an obvious resemblance to the Freudian analyst examining the manifest content of a patient 's dream for the repressed realities that are concealed within it .
4 Until the parties have identified the goods which the buyer is to have , no property can pass from the seller to the buyer for the simple reason that it is impossible to tell in which goods the property is passing .
5 It would , in any case , have been difficult to obtain unanimous support for the complete closure that Don Aldo Marangoni was advocating .
6 In Europe , AT&T plans to add to its existing network management centres here in the UK and in the Netherlands by installing systems in key European commercial centres to provide the service for multinational customers in the UK , France , Germany , Spain , Italy , Belgium , Switzerland , the Netherlands and Sweden , and plans to hire or redeploy more than 650 technicians and sales personnel in Europe to provide customer support for the new services that are to be available in 1994 .
7 Some South African Dutch reformed theologians claim Scriptural support for the outrageous assertion that blacks are an inferior race of people .
8 There were the usual number of new faces to get used to , but they all seem a bit vague to me now , except of course for the one face that greeted me on my arrival in the Guard Room .
9 Given that series of gaffes , will he now compound his confusion and tell us that he bears no personal responsibility for the appalling slump that is devastating Britain today ?
10 It was just bad luck for the second man that it had been a good place .
11 I decided to use a varied by essentially loose technique for the still life that I attempted next .
12 In Environment Issues we do n't usually have room to record every birth , marriage and death ( hatches , matches and despatches ) , however , Hygiene Leeds warrants a mention for the five marriages that have taken place over the last three months .
13 Instead , the talks should examine seriously the problem of underpayment for the major commodities that the third world countries produce , which would be a step forward .
14 One foundation upon which the new studies could be built was the Humboldtian search for the geographical factors that limited the distribution of particular species .
15 Belief that ultimate reality is timeless is deeply rooted in human thinking , and the origin of rational investigation of the world was the search for the permanent factors that lie behind the ever-changing pattern of events .
16 This is an alliance of neo-fascists and communists known by most Russians simply as ‘ the reds and browns ’ ( browns after ‘ brown plague ’ , the term for the xenophobic hysteria that swept through Russia in the late 19th century ) .
17 The technical term for the speech-like noise that babies produce before they learn to talk is ‘ jargoning ’ .
18 I 'd been so preoccupied with the physical results of my condition for the last hour that I 'd forgotten its other effects .
19 Thousands of Montenegrins , many in national costume , waited at the quayside in Bar for the Italian warship that would bring him home .
20 The Marxist critic reading a text for the ideological traces that it attempts to conceal — ‘ Hegelian grammar ’ is inescapable in such contexts — by its evasive gaps and silences , has an obvious resemblance to the Freudian analyst examining the manifest content of a patient 's dream for the repressed realities that are concealed within it .
21 Gregory 's Pastoral Care said nothing about this aspect of a bishop 's work for the good reason that jurisdictions such as that claimed by Canterbury did not exist in his day .
22 ‘ I want to challenge and excite as much as I can but I 'm not going to create a work for the Scottish Ballet that is going to drive their audience away . ’
23 He is shown taking off his armour for the pathetic reason that he is not ‘ master of his heart ’ .
24 In 1974 the Iraqis came up with a detailed law for the autonomous area that was far more restrictive than the 1970 agreement and in no way reflected its accommodating spirit .
25 This three-dimensional model can also be used to analyse the undergraduate curriculum , and will provide the three broad frames of reference for the three chapters that follow , which examine first degree courses in terms of concepts of knowledge , the economy and society , and the development of student ability or potential .
26 Will my hon. Friend confirm that the terms of reference for the public inquiry that he has announced today will allow the inspector the option of recommending that my right hon. Friend refuse the National Grid Company 's application ?
27 Mr Portillo claimed that people on low incomes were very low users of road fuel yet would be compensated through the RPI for the extra expense that other people would pay .
28 Even the propaganda of the London Labour and Socialist movement , said the provincials , served to provide votes for the Liberal Party machine for the simple reason that London Labour had no organisation that could reap the result of its own propaganda .
29 His uncle was fend of French fries and he tells the empty corridor for the hundredth time that they are called chips over there and they are eaten with vinegar .
30 SIMON TRACEY last night volunteered to carry the can for the double calamity that denied Sheffield United victory over Wimbledon .
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