Example sentences of "[noun sg] for [adv] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 The problems result from long-term exposure , so families who change homes every few years may not suffer because they are exposed to levels above the action level for only a short time .
2 The adventure ties up a computer for quite a long time .
3 Offering an agenda for change during bad economic times , the 46year-old Arkansas governor harnessed his youth , dogged determination and a passion for politics to unseat a sitting elected president for only the eighth time in US history .
4 In the first quarter of 1980 the ICI group was making profits at a rate of six hundred million pounds a year and in the third quarter we posted a loss for only the second time in our history .
5 The Congress Party , the biggest single group in the house , but now in opposition for only the second time since independence in 1947 , had no option but to sit in silence when the voice-vote was called .
6 Well here , here are char for example , this is a female , you see the , the white line on the fins and the very pale pink spots , this will actually get gradually more highly coloured until about December when they will be quite bright red , and , and in my opinion not a question really , but might be that some of these other ones are pretty nice as well here 's quite a , quite a dark little trout , probably been in the light for quite a long time , right now nevertheless that 's a female as well just a couple more famous small ones here , that 's a young salmon , that 's really a beauty .
7 Three more tries followed to rub more salt into Trinity 's wounds and put Crusaders into the second round of the Regal Trophy for only the second time in their history .
8 In one recent case the victim of a stabbing died two and a half years after the incident , having been kept on a life-support machine for almost the entire time .
9 This obviously is n't going to come up as an issue for quite a long time , since transcribing this 'll be a long time .
10 I started by looking up quotes for characters to say , and found myself reading four or five pages , until I found myself reading the Bible and only the Bible for quite a long time .
11 But these devices allow it to remain out of water for only a short time .
12 The famine simply must end today if Koppelaar 's team are to hold down a crucial fourth slot in Pool A which would keep alive their chances of reaching hockey 's premier event for only the third time .
13 The 17-year-old Cuemasters youngster from Wishaw has now reached the last 16 of a ranking tournament for only the second time in his fledgling career .
14 Already Chelsea fans are talking with conviction about the club winning the championship for only the second time in its history .
15 Since the 1949 service , when Latin was heard in the Church for probably the first time since the Reformation , the Founder 's Psalm ( no. 130 ) has been chanted :
16 Repairing gutters is not a job for the fainthearted since it involves working up a ladder for quite a long time .
17 This time last night she 'd been lying in Dane 's arms , feeling safe , secure , at peace with the world for perhaps the first time in her troubled life .
18 Soon after I got my English A-level , mum learned that she had to go into hospital for quite a long time .
19 Well of course Miss MacDonald would n't have would n't mind you to keep a book for quite a long time .
20 This very well presented terraced property offers ideal accommodation for either a first time buyer or a growing family .
21 With Britain 's other 1500 metres hope , Kevin McKay , also missing out , we do n't have a runner in the final for only the second time this century .
22 The awful thing is that the movies that I 've been involved with in the last erm few years have entailed my being abroad a great deal , and I was made in New York entirely and I was there for six or seven months , and the difficulty is that when you then make the movie and you take it round the world , you 're away for another three or four months and so you end up being out of the country for quite a long time , so I 've been nothing like as active with the university .
23 Because people who 've been in the press for quite a long time were using this before we took over the telephone system .
24 Er I do n't , I ca n't even remember whether I had anything for mother in forty-three and forty-for , but I do know there was a death for quite a long time .
25 My hands got very cold too , but my mother helped me every morning by baking two potatoes in their skins for me to keep in my pockets ; they retained their heat for quite a long time .
26 I have been in the House for only a short time , but since I have been here I have been involved in a number of private Bills .
27 In both cases the behaviour is not completely predictable , but observation for only a short time makes it so for all subsequent times . )
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