Example sentences of "[noun sg] for [art] [adj] time for " in BNC.

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1 Even though you 've got funding for the first time for this I do n't want to spend an awful lot on materials .
2 This disenfranchising policy will be taken a stage further in the political domain , with the linking for the first time for fifty years of the right to vote with the payment of contributions to local government exchequers .
3 Dennis Ramsdale , caretaker coach since Jim Crellin 's resignation , will pick the team for the last time for tonight 's home game against St Helens .
4 Supermarkets and libraries too are usually willing to give over part of their foyer for a limited time for exhibitions of children 's work .
5 I do hope you do n't think this is presumptuous , and I expect you are very busy generally , but perhaps you and your husband would like to come here for supper one evening , or we could go out somewhere , or if it 's easier , I could drop in to you one evening for a short time for a chat .
6 He appears before the court for the first time for what is essentially a domestic assault on his girlfriend .
7 A candidate for the first time for the Chair that Alan has left is Sir Jeffrey .
8 It is success for the second time for Mr Myers and his long-term business partner Karen Jones .
9 ‘ Once you start saving yourselves for big games and ducking out of tackles , you get into the wrong frame of mind and that is very dangerous , ’ warned Howard , who is hoping to steer his side through to the second round of the FA Cup for the first time for 17 years .
10 ‘ Once you start saving yourselves for big games and ducking out of tackles , you get into the wrong frame of mind and that is very dangerous , ’ warned Howard , who is hoping to steer his side through to the second round of the FA Cup for the first time for 17 years .
11 The long-established tendency for national populations to become more concentrated in large metropolitan centres and their surrounding hinterlands was found to be interrupted , if not broken : major cities were losing population not just from their older inner areas but from their whole city regions , while more remote rural areas with a history of depopulation began to record population growth for the first time for decades ( Morrison and Wheeler , 1976 ; Vining and Strauss , 1977 ; Vining and Kontuly , 1978 ; Brown and Wardwell , 1980 ; Fielding , 1982 ) .
12 Provincial elections on Aug. 8 in three provinces gave unexpected encouragement to the ruling Peronist party ( Partido Justicialista — PJ ) , which retained control of San Luis and captured San Juan province for the first time for 18 years ; the opposition Radical Party ( UCR ) retained control of Río Negro .
13 I read them both again erm last year for the first time for many years , and I found Herodotus much the better of the two , because Herodotus was prepared to be curious about everything .
14 It was eventually decided at the Council meeting that farmers should be approached about renting out a plot of land for a short time for the travellers whilst the search for a permanent site continued .
15 I 've been looking forward to this visit for a long time for that reason .
16 In particular , the Soviet Union secured ‘ most favoured nation ’ access to the US market for the first time for fifty years .
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