Example sentences of "[noun sg] for [art] [det] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I , I think Chairman that as , as we come out of the recession an and th that the overall erm level er quantity of development taking place increases , then we are almost bound to see perhaps more affordable housing erm in absolute terms , although I do n't see any opportunity of there being a a major hiccup in proportional terms , so I , I , like you , I think I remain er pessimistic er regarding the , the , the overview , although we might see er a turning up of the er of the graph having been bumping along the bottom for a little time a little while .
2 If I feel that a particular patient is suffering from extreme tension and finds it difficult to relax , then I may suggest that , during the two weeks following the regression session , he simply practises a basic relaxation exercise for a few minutes a day .
3 Though it may be possible to get professional or voluntary back-up for a few hours a day or a few days a week , an old or very sick and disabled person needs constant nursing and supervision round the clock .
4 It was at this point that I gave up any hopes for an aviation career simply because of the increasing high cost of hiring that DH Moth for a few hours every weekend .
5 Bought as an ‘ add-on ’ with a house contents policy for a few pounds a year , it should cover you for consumer , household and personal injury claims .
6 In his desperation Tam gave the name of a Black Watch friend , got the job and donned the Black Watch kilt for a few coppers an hour the shame of it .
7 After studying the situation for a few minutes the first macaque ran off and got a long stick .
8 It 's a good idea to run your central heating pump for a few minutes a week in summer to prevent it from seizing up when the system is not in use .
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