Example sentences of "[noun sg] for [pron] [to-vb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Some months earlier I had written to Sir Sidney Barton who , fortunately for me , was still British Minister in Addis Ababa , asking him to obtain the Emperor 's permission for me to follow the Awash river through the Danakil country to discover where and how it ended .
2 I will make contact with the movement and get permission for you to attend the next meeting . ’
3 He has persuaded the new Armed Forces minister , Jeremy Hanley , to see a delegation next week to hear Chester 's case for it to have the new centralised pay and personnel centre .
4 David escorted her there on her first morning and was touchingly concerned for her , insisting on taking a cushion for her to soften the hard seat on the press benches and urging her to promise to leave the stuffy , dark-panelled room if she felt faint or troubled .
5 It is a pleasure for me to announce the inaugural International First Turkey , and to award it to Mr Kaneo Nakamura , recent chairman of the Industrial Bank of Japan ( IBJ ) .
6 My Member of Parliament , Harold Lever , in response to an earlier letter of mine , wrote to the Algerian ambassador in London and got approval for me to cross the Algerian Sahara on foot .
7 Central government not only mapped out extended statutory territory for local councils to develop , but also provided a large financial incentive for them to cultivate the new territory .
8 In either event , it is argued that the residual rights of the shareholders create an appropriate incentive for them to activate the relevant disciplinary mechanisms .
9 Nevertheless , there is still a sufficiently good chance that they are the father for them to undertake the major share of parental duties .
10 Chief Inspector Salter was anxious to see him and she had made an appointment for him to see the Chief Superintendent later that day .
11 We compare what we are seeing with what we know , to see if there is enough resemblance for us to treat the new thing in the same way as we would have treated the known thing .
12 But if we were to pay phone bills , postage , future printing costs and fund a minimum wage for someone to run the NUJ office , we would need to hold some kind of fund-raising benefit .
13 Since Vic was not a forester , there was no reason for him to follow the quaint ways of the forest .
14 In the second sentence , which has a grain of ambiguity , grammar and meaning do not provide sufficient information for us to neglect the visual analysis .
15 However , the Vauxhall Sport result , where he was only beaten by the official team Subarus of Richard Burns and Alister McRae and finished ahead of the new Ford Escort Cosworths of Gwyndaf Evans , has provided sufficient encouragement for him to tackle the next round of the Open series , the Pirelli International on April 17/18 .
16 ‘ I was telling Sir Henry that it was rather late in the year for him to see the true beauty of the moor . ’
17 Unfortunately , the research revealed a high tendency for them to recruit the wrong people .
18 He was on the look-out for someone to write the incidental music , someone with new ideas , preferably someone not too well known .
19 I e it would not be a problem for me to take the same line as either or any of my er opponents , or the incumbent Mr , erm you know , if they are , frankly , right .
20 ‘ Ricotta , ’ he explained , opening the bag for them to inspect the fluffy white mound with the whey still running out of the cheese paper .
21 It will take a little time for me to forget the hurt and the disappointment …
22 ‘ When it was time for me to fire the very pistol , I had to get up from the wireless operator 's seat and had to move my parachute — which was always as close to my feet as possible and instead of lifting it up by the canvas carrying handle , I lifted it up by the metal handle ( the rip cord ) and so had a bundle of silk to get out of the way .
23 However , maybe Stalinvast still survived , and the Tormentum Malorum might yet leave the warp in time for him to compel the old woman to send a signal to save the situation .
24 Yet probably The Rock relies on a form too close to extinction at the time for it to bring the whole revue to life .
25 It seemed to be a considerable undertaking for him to rearrange the leathery brown cheeks and the stiff grey eyebrows which were apparently supported by his thick-lensed spectacles .
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