Example sentences of "[noun sg] was really [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She was supposed to be very , very quiet , she had to , I think complete submission was really the key point of women in the eighteen-forties .
2 Updike was really a two-dimensional typographer .
3 But Deana 's persecution , continued more subtly and covertly as the days went by , had left its sting , and she began to wonder if living in the nurses ' home was really the right thing .
4 To my left was a rough wooden handrail , below , to right and left , I could now make out the grey slopes of two of the conical pits formed by the vault of the transept beneath — the floor under the catwalk was really a negative ceiling — but , apart from a yard or two near the edge , it was completely submerged in nest , as was the catwalk itself a few steps further in .
5 There were some families in which domestic help from a widowed grandmother was really a disguised form of assistance in the other direction .
6 And the whole thing was really a dismal flop because the context was so very different , the expectations were different , the kinds of things that you were saying .
7 In the term , the only term we needed to explain the whole structure of conscious , unconscious , pre-conscious , was repression and we saw that repression was really a key concept .
8 Reading English was really a literary way of reading History .
9 The banquet was really a frantic blur to Corbett .
10 ‘ However , ’ Corbett continued , clasping his sword belt around his waist , ‘ one thing I do remember is that the preacher was really a gentle man ; he told my mother that Holy Mother Church merely wished to frighten its children except — ’ Corbett narrowed his eyes and looked through the doorway ‘ — for murderers , those who slay , especially the sons of Cain who plot with ice-cold malice the destruction of someone they hate . ’
11 So he was and it had it 's Tormore House was really a lovely place .
12 Stronsay fish mart in the fishing time was really a busy place with the salesmen busy selling the herring to the curing stations .
13 For him to die of pneumonia was really a terrible waste and I think David harboured a little … you ca n't blame someone for something like a person dying tragically with pneumonia , but I think he felt his mother should have watched over him more carefully , but I suppose that 's like saying the cat got drowned , why was the puddle there ?
14 Mother was really a good cook but that oven was not exactly reliable — indeed , I do not know how she managed to get such nice things out of it .
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