Example sentences of "[noun sg] in [pron] [noun pl] for the " in BNC.

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1 At the same time we can relish the days more and more , and search in their interstices for the hidden treasures and thus our lives may become the supreme adventure and treasure hunt of the transcendent .
2 The Governor even went further by paraphrasing the Bible in his urgings for the bill 's passage : ‘ He that doeth nothing is damned , and I do n't want to be damned . ’
3 Beaverton , Oregon-based Sequent Computer Systems Inc says the rise in its profits for the year to January 2 1993 is a result of company restructuring , and a re-focus on high-end business .
4 But they told me that ‘ during your show we saw a flicker of response in his eyes for the very first time ’ . ’
5 Er , can I ask Wallace Mercer , if he 's still listening to the programme , if he was considered the environment in his plans for the football stadium ?
6 On her return she was promptly plunged back into teaching by Caroline Little , and at present she is working as Caroline 's assistant in her Classes for the Elderly .
7 The group is the non-profit-making trading arm of the 1959 Group of Charities which provides access in its shops for the sale of cards from nearly 300 charities .
8 CHARITY worker Rod Jones has urged Darlington ‘ godparents ’ to hand in their gifts for the children of Romania before the next convoy departs .
9 An essential element in our proposals for the secondary school is that pupils should increasingly make their own decisions about their writing : what it is about , what form it should take , and to whom it is addressed .
10 BZW 's Tony Shiret , a retailing analyst , said that Argos 's results justified an increase in his estimates for the current year from £73 million to about £80 million before tax , and the shares rose 10p to 315p .
11 The US State Department , in its advice to a new president ( Harry S. Truman ) from April 1945 , took up this theme in some detail in its preparations for the Potsdam Conference ( July–August ) .
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