Example sentences of "[noun sg] and take it [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He was sufficiently troubled by Malcolm 's bouncer to stand frozen at the crease and take it on the helmet , but sufficiently brave to try to hook the inevitable follow-up .
2 In the transplant operation , doctors in London will extract some of her bone marrow and take it to the Netherlands .
3 I took the collar off , removed the stones , put the rest in the sack and took it to the gibbet .
4 Prune out the stem and take it into the shed where you can sit down comfortably to prepare the cuttings — they will have to be made very carefully , and you will need a very sharp knife .
5 That was my work , then when she came down on duty , she would sit one side of the table with her books and I would sit the other and count all the money , you see , then I would take this money er , in a bag , through on to the black through the , past the ticket collector and take it to the booking office and they took it from me and took it when they took their money to the bank , you see .
6 Then she picked up the wicker bird cage and took it to the sill .
7 After you 've dropped me , come back and collect the bicycle and take it to the police .
8 Inzamam-ul-Haq ducked into his first ball and took it around the shoulder , and while a helmet was being fetched , he tried to pull the next and merely splice it up for a return catch to Malcolm , who later disclosed that , being some way short of the top 100 fielders in the land , he could only murmur , ‘ Oh , my Lord , who 's going to take that catch ? ’
9 Make a coffin and take it to the
10 Before it could , I cut the cord and took it into the ante-room .
11 One cottage I stayed in without electricity or water saw 11 of us standing eagerly over a one-ring Calor gas burner in the morning waiting for a kettle to boil for coffee , when one of our party came into the kitchen , picked up the kettle and took it into the bathroom to wash his face .
12 She swept up her empty plate and took it into the kitchen , and departed upstairs with her cup of tea to start on her coiffure .
13 She put the page of the newspaper with her letter and took it to the station .
14 So Alfred had laced his own brandy and taken it to the little hut which had youthful associations , there to kill himself in a manner that was almost ceremonial .
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