Example sentences of "[noun sg] and for a [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 All are searching for peace of mind and for a while it seem that Ilmorog can offer this .
2 I heard the shotgun pellets hit the bonnet and the windscreen like hailstones on a tin roof and for a second I wondered if I should punch a hole in the glass like they do in the movies .
3 The governor 's white-gloved hand froze in mid-flourish and for a second he stared horror-struck at the chattering animal .
4 ‘ Well , you are on the big side and for a moment I had this vision of you … ’
5 Before they lost Richard Biddle with a hamstring injury , the Quakers looked like they could actually match the ex-Premier League side and for a time they promised to take the lead .
6 Rodrigo , hearing of this , rushed to Alfonso 's aid and for a moment it seemed that the Emperor would relent and rescind El Cid 's banishment .
7 He looked at her without animosity and for a moment her knees weakened .
8 To my left I saw the long purple curtains twitch in the window and for a moment I thought it was her just making sure I 'd gone .
9 It sounded like sarcasm and for a moment we thought so too and were angry and embarrassed .
10 Nicholson saw them around Sunset Strip and for a time they were joined by Elvis Presley , who had seen Rebel Without a Cause forty-four times and could speak Dean 's lines word perfect .
11 His death quite literally shattered the Prince and for a time he lost all sense of purpose .
12 A man caught up with her on the pavement and for a moment she stared at him blankly .
13 Perkin , on her other side , murmured something to get her attention and for a while I watched Tremayne make the best of our table having been graced by the sponsor 's wife , a gushing froth of a lady in unbecoming lemon .
14 She moved her head as he crossed the room and for a moment he thought she was going to speak to him .
15 The Copleys had gone upstairs to take their afternoon rest and for a moment she wondered whether to tell them to lock their bedroom door .
16 Almost instantly Jenna could hear bird-song and for a moment she just sat there , drinking in the atmosphere .
17 When she stopped speaking his feeling of animosity towards her seeped from him , and the pity that he always felt for her again rose to the surface and for a moment he himself knew the extent of her frustration and the reason behind her furious tantrums when she had known his uncle was going to marry again .
18 By any reckoning , this represents an impressive decade of military adventure and achievement for a country recovering from war and famine and for a government which ‘ needed peace ’ .
19 The way she 'd always known it , when you decided to throw a party , you threw a party ; you pushed back the furniture , you got all the food together yourself , you invited close friends who knew each other and for a while you let them invade your most private and personal space .
20 Down in the hold he 'd cracked his shins on the bumper of a small green car and she 'd laughed at his face and kissed him as if he 'd been a kid and for a moment he was thirteen and being hugged by Dave 's big sister , who was certainly large and confusing to thirteen year olds .
21 Karen looked at the old man and for a moment she saw something cold and frightening in his smiling eyes .
22 Born , they held it like a long skinned thing and for a moment she stared at it hanging in the air not knowing if it was alive or dead , good or bad , not believing it was over .
23 There was no sign of a studio and for a minute she expected to find that Alain had been merely frightening her — some hidden cruelty to make her feel uncomfortable , another chance to embarrass her .
24 It was a strange , almost nervous gesture and for a moment he wondered what it meant .
25 Jeremy was swiftly ejected from his first job , at the Rotherham Advertiser and for a time he made Paddington Bears for a living .
26 There is a time in the day when the days are long , when the edge of light meets the edge of darkness and for a moment there is nothing .
27 Writer Brian Clark gave me the persona of a middle-class , middle-aged professional with a wife problem and for a time it became my trademark .
28 ‘ The local fair always appears in the square at Meet weekend and for a child it must seem absolutely magic .
29 It was almost a physical pain and for a moment he felt shocked because it had been many years since the agony of losing Gerda .
30 He watched it move towards the cup and saucer and for a moment he thought she was going to take her coffee , get up and leave him .
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