Example sentences of "[noun sg] and for [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Luce buried her face against Michele 's neck and for a long time they sat without moving or speaking .
2 Digital Equipment Corp has announced that it will offer a new hub backplane , code-named One Hub , in early 1993 , plugging the gap at the high end of the DEChub 90 range and for the first time offering Ethernet , Token Ring , and the Fibre Distributed Data Interface , FDDI , at first , and Asynchronous Transfer Mode high-speed networking technology , when it becomes available , in one product .
3 It is a language that needs a large memory capacity and for the first time there were machines available to use it .
4 I think it 's possibly the thirteenth consecutive year I 've been on the committee and for the first time I 've managed to be elected .
5 The headmistress let out a yell that must have rattled every window-pane in the building and for the second time in the last five minutes she shot out of her chair like a rocket .
6 There is of course no need to be unduly alarmed at these discrepancies ; we should reflect that any normal language presents numerous instances where certain recalcitrant items refuse to fit into a generally acceptable pattern ( e.g. for no very obvious reason the " expected " adverbs difficultly and longly are not accepted in English and have to be replaced by the phrases with difficulty and for a long time . )
7 The track took a right hand curve and for the first time he saw the bridge standing high above the track .
8 I attended the funeral and for a long time afterwards we , as a family , used to take flowers to the grave .
9 Nora Fanshawe raised her head and for the first time he saw her smile , an ugly harsh smile of self-mockery .
10 She accepted a glass of water and for the first time looked round in order to take in the room and the people before her .
11 He has n't , but on this occasion and for the second time with just over twenty minutes played , the Pisa goalkeeper was picking the ball out of the back of the net .
12 The situation did n't improve much during the rest of the week and for the first time since Rachel had been working at OBEX she found herself not looking forward to going to work in the mornings .
13 But Joseph had always been very devoted to any local news and for a long time the talk of the town had been the Cockermouth man — Fletcher Christian 's — Mutiny .
14 Le Monde reported on April 26 that the government had decided to reverse previous government policy and for the first time to pay 6,200,000 marks to an Israeli foundation for holocaust survivors .
15 Therefore , the plaintiffs , a partnership in general medical practice , were seeking to prevent an employee once he had left , from , inter alia , practising as a consultant within a certain area and for a certain time .
16 Immediately , therefore , I was involved in the gay movement and for the first time in my life in a couple relationship .
17 Sinead 's father John saw the progressive school in Waterford as a last chance for his wayward daughter and for the first time in her life she came across a school where she had nothing to rebel against .
18 The NILP was represented by a strong contingent which carried the party banner and for the first time Ivan Cooper took a prominent part in the proceedings .
19 Soon the mousy man became exhausted by struggling with the suitcase and for the first time the Feldwebel carried it for him .
20 Of those , the Trooper 's got the edge and for the first time leads its own sub-section of 4 × 4 off-roaders .
21 They arrived in Liverpool after an uneventful railway journey and for the second time in three months Cam walked along the dock wall looking for the Langdale ; but now there was confidence in his stride and eagerness in his face .
22 Before 18 months , a child wo n't recognise herself in the mirror and for a long time will describe herself in terms of attributes ( like smallness ) and her possessions .
23 Once it had dispersed , Bunting was allowed to hold a meeting in the Diamond and for a short time afterwards there was tension as rival groups of teenagers faced each other , but police and DCAC stewards persuaded them to disperse before any trouble broke out .
24 They were awake before dawn and for the second time they heard the chorus begin as a trickle and grow swiftly to a torrent as the birds welcomed the great Trumpeter .
25 Sung , following her , held out his hand and for the first time she let him help her , gripping his hand with a force that took his breath , her fingers tightening convulsively with every little jolt she received .
26 Mrs Chamorro declined to give interviews while in Washington but in an article published this week , she wrote : ‘ Ten years of living dangerously has brought civil war , an exodus of a fifth of our countrymen , an annual inflation of 30,000 per cent , 40 per cent unemployment and for the first time in our history , mass hunger .
27 Now , while as if bestowing some order of merit she fastened the beads round my neck , her face wore a motherly expression and for the first time I was with the Aunt Louise of my childhood .
28 But it is so vindictively cold in this ill-lit room , and my alabaster hand aches so much from the thousands of words I have put down on this unhappy day , and my head still throbs , and my stomach is so empty , and my grief is so heavy , that I think it would be wise of me to break off at this point , this hinge , blow out the once again guttering candle and for the third time today go down the stone stairs to streets where it is always February .
29 The Ministry of Social Security Act 1966 created the Supplementary Benefits Commission ( SBC ) to administer the supplementary benefit scheme and for the first time those whose resources did not meet their requirements had a legal entitlement to the payment of benefit .
30 It was , however , his permanent design of the deceptively simple 1920 Whitehall Cenotaph ( originally erected in wood and plaster as a saluting point for the Victory March Past of Allied troops in July 1919 ) that put him in the eye of the general public and for the first time turned Lutyens into a household name .
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