Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [prep] it the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They rested on elbows , or lay stretched like Stars , stomachs in sand , smooth heads together , a brown hand lifting a white cigarette to a rose-painted mouth , and a line of malachite green smoke going up into the air , which was not here the intense cobalt of the plain of Orange , but pearl-cream-gold , a heavy air , soft and undulating like the pale sand and beyond it the warm , hazed , sand-green sea .
2 A recognition of the need to maintain that sector and through it the full diversity of recorded music in Britain is one reason why the last few years has seen a new interest in the record industry from public bodies concerned with culture and with employment .
3 In Franco they possessed a leader who , notwithstanding German and Italian annoyance at his lack of dynamism and broad vision , was a first-rate field commander , devoted to the gradual but irreversible conquest of territory and with it the total subjection of the Spanish population .
4 Autumn was reclaiming summer and with it the sun-gilded image of Samantha , last and most innocent of all the Abberleys .
5 The ever-rising statistics of delinquency and crime , and particularly violent crime , probably result in large part from a failure to establish the paternal authority in childhood and with it the normal , positive resolution of the Oedipus complex which it produces .
6 The definition also removes the present reference to expectation and with it the possible argument that goods which are generally of low quality generate low expectations .
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