Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [noun sg] [pron] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In Crime and Punishment itself the Petrine reforms get the merest glancing reference , and only one , when Raskolnikov 's friend Razumikhin speaks of ‘ us ’ ( compare the ‘ we ’ of the Drunks fragment ) as ‘ divorced from practical affairs of every sort for nearly two hundred years ’ .
2 God 's Kingdom is not a matter of eating and drinking , but of the righteousness , peace and joy which the Holy Spirit gives .
3 But Swainson does not seem to have taken advantage of the ease and freedom which the new technique could afford .
4 But what has become internalized can always become externalized again ; and so we have seen that , increasingly in modern societies , anti-social instinctual drives of the id — specifically , the instinctual drives of the gelada-like sons of the primal fathers — break out in social conflicts and acts of delinquency and provocation which the modern incarnation of the primal father — the police , the Establishment , law , order and standards of all kinds — have to meet .
5 Slee expresses it very clearly : They need help in wrestling with the questions of identity , truth and commitment which the contemporary pluralism of beliefs and values poses more sharply than ever before and which are therefore very real and pressing questions for children of the secular century .
6 ‘ I have no problem with testing children in English , maths and science which the new test does .
7 The ideas behind it are partly derived from Hartley 's chapter on The Pleasures and Pains of the Imagination , which explained that — ‘ the grandeur of some [ natural ] scenes , and the novelty of others , by exciting surprise and wonder [ makes ] a great difference in the preceding and subsequent states of mind ’ ; he also contrasted ‘ the offensiveness , dangers , and corruption of populous cities , and the health , tranquillity and innocence which the actual view , or mental contemplation , of rural scenes introduces ’ .
8 Many Palestinians also feared that the PLO leadership would not welcome the kind of lively debate and democracy which the popular movement had fostered , but would wish to be authoritarian in its government .
9 The test of obscenity still required proof that the matter was ‘ utterly without redeeming social value ’ , but it was not long before social value was claimed for sex , a Californian judge declaring himself unable to find such lack of social value in a film which ‘ appeals to the normal interest in sex and nudity which the average person has in such matters ’ .
10 It is the effort and pressure which the bowel-wall muscle has to exert in propelling onward the firm faeces produced by a Western diet ( rather than the soft and voluminous matter produced by fibre-rich diets ) which has been found to be the cause of this illness .
11 It is not the citizens charter that the consumers of this country want ; they want a Ministry of Food and Farming which the incoming Labour Government will introduce .
12 Atiyah 's doubts about this trend in late-twentieth-century family law relate to his own model of law as serving conflict-adjustment and hortatory functions , and to his concern for ‘ the generality and universality which the very nature of law seems to require ’ .
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