Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [vb base] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Even at four in the morning , if he woke during a rare , sleepless night , Dexter liked to brush back the curtains of his bedroom and marvel at the twinkling lights .
2 Most importantly , its key objective was to promote openness and trust at the top level , a refreshing contract to the dog-eat-dog approach being bred into far too many managers in this sado-masochistic age .
3 In a daze of fear and dread at the vast sky that hung above him Creggan looked around at the Cages .
4 ‘ When travelling in the country , you sense an enormous fear and anger at the present reforms ; in well-healed suburbs , there is approval of the reforms but still a great fear of the random violence they have released . ’
5 Thicker lines are no guarantee of invulnerability , as they can be weakened by a partial cut and snap at the next pull ; equally , they are more expensive !
6 They begin at one end of the hall and finish at the other end , the North American steadily retreating , the South American relentlessly advancing .
7 Such excitements are rare ; The Hague has a few clubs and theatres and it will soon have its own ballet company , but for the most part the Hagenaars , as the residents are known , spend their evenings at home and retire at a respectable hour .
8 He advertised for sale a watch and ring at the total price of £5,950 .
9 He has been stonewalling throughout the whole month since Lamb told the world , through the Daily Mirror , how the Pakistanis scuff and scrape and scoop at an old ball until it swings as though it was factory fresh .
10 ‘ Some of the flashier knocker boys have huge houses in the best parts of Hove , drive expensive cars , drink champagne and eat at the smartest restaurants in town .
11 Thus when carnal and financial imagery in the tale finally merge in the puns taille and taillynge at the very end , it is an emblem of how much deeper the " " bretherhede " " and " " cosynage " " runs that the monk and the merchant imagine exists between them in the form of play , or as a polite figure of speech , and how concrete it is .
12 Professor John Ashworth , vice-chairman of the committee of vice-chancellors and principals ( CVCP ) , also urged Mr MacGregor to use ‘ a heaven-sent opportunity to go back to the drawing board and look at the entire issue of how students are supported — grants , loans and fees . ’
13 Surprisingly , perhaps , to advocates of ‘ free ’ markets , this does not result in a lack of dynamism or a neglect of issues of co-ordination and control at the strategic apexes of industry in Japan .
14 It is doubtful whether , given his premises and the situation in which he found himself , he could have done more than convey the expression of widespread discontent and indicate at the same time that something had changed in the Roman governing class .
15 Since HWIM 's acoustic-phonetic component can not be relied upon to correctly segment and label at the phonetic level , a number of alternative hypotheses have to be maintained to ensure that the right word has a chance of being considered .
16 The key to their success was to cover the seeds with a fine layer of compost and germinate at a constant 77°F ( 25°C ) .
17 Also such equipment as wigs , visors , jewels , masks , patches , lace , and gauze tended to conceal defects in appearance and tantalize at the same time .
18 Accordingly , the investor may seek to include a provision whereby if the investor wishes to sell a specified percentage of the equity , then the other shareholders must follow suit and sell at the same price per share .
19 Following the audition held last April the new National Display Team has been formed to represent the Society at the CCPR 50th Anniversary Festival of Movement and Dance at the Royal Albert Hall 20th April 1985 .
20 I wanted to throw up , pass out , scream and cry at the same time .
21 I was one of Walter Machin 's classmates at Burnley Road Primary School , and I was very interested to read the interesting article in the Sentinel and look at the interesting pictures .
22 It is a fundamental requirement of any democratic and just society that the process by which individuals are accused , tried and , where appropriate , punished should be open , and exposed to public scrutiny and comment at an appropriate moment , other than in wholly exceptional circumstances — for example , where on grounds of national security the court must receive evidence about matters of security or intelligence ; or where , for purposes of the administration of justice , particular matters must be dealt with concerning informants .
23 Now they lay under the spindle-trees and sniffed in weariness and doubt at the strange , bare country round them .
24 It was n't until they had come to a halt that she had felt able to raise her eyes from the floor and look at the two men standing by the alter rail .
25 This posture is ideal for facing a confrontation , because the arms are so loose that they can swing into action to block an attack and strike at the same time .
26 Therapy was aimed at helping the parents establish a more balanced and satisfactory relationship , learning to negotiate rather than lapse into their habitual pattern of attack and withdraw at the same time as providing a reward programme for Luke just to sit on the lavatory .
27 Yeah , so off we go then , be a clown and sing at the same time .
28 I lie in my bed and stare at the cracked plaster in the ceiling , the smudges of handprints ( how in the hell did they get there ? ) , and I wonder why I am so afraid .
29 I asked Duncan to come over the road and look at the unmade road where I 'd left Armstrong .
30 But we need our own voice and vote at the top table to take us to the heat of Europe , not leave us on the periphery . ’
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