Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [vb base] he [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 When , a long time ago now , Stephen had tried to call him Dad or Father and drop the babyish name , he had shouted that Stephen was all he had in the world and could n't he have a little bit of kindness and call him by the one name that meant something ?
2 If you put your Orc Shaman on a wyvern and fly him to the other end of the battlefield he wo n't be able to use his Waaagh magic .
3 Alyssia wished that it would somehow whip around his neck and strangle him on the spot .
4 Then when he stops , get out the car and grab him by the neck then throw then I .
5 Oh ! if you do n't get Nutty soon I 'll gouge his eyes out with a swizzle stick , cut off his conjugals , marinate him in oil and vinegar and barbecue him in the forum .
6 And if he stays behind that door ’ — the mounting gale of voices behind him was lifting him as he spoke , he wanted to jump on the factor , grab his hair and swing him against the door like a battering ram — ‘ we will fire the roof ! and smoke him out ! ’
7 Although he clearly wants to walk off the boat , the ambulance crew scramble on board and clamp him onto a stretcher , so firmly that I wonder if they think he might punch them .
8 [ In those days , if you were a witch you were safe as long as you kept away from the common people : once I saw a group of villagers spread-eagle a warlock , drive a stake through his heart and bury him beneath a crossroads gibbet . ]
9 14–5–1844 " The Session considering that James Gibson , under process for the crime of fornication , ( with Ann Darroch ) , has submitted to the discipline of the Church , appeared publically and been rebuked before the congregation , and hoping from the professions he now makes , as well as the readiness with which he submitted to discipline , that he is penitent , do now absolve him from censure and admit him to the enjoyment of privileges . "
10 Permanent support from the group : from the outset , the franchisee receives the backing of the company 's teams who contribute their professional skills and know-how , in order to monitor the franchisee 's progress and advise him on the day to day management of the restaurants .
11 He 'd hoped that it meant no more than that she was growing up and had become aware of herself as a young woman ; that as a consequence it was not quite the done thing for her to rush across a room and hug him like a kid sister , or trip him up in the haybarn and fling herself on top of him like a puppy spoiling for a game .
12 I often have to get up with Graham , carry him into the living room and nurse him into the living room and nurse him on the armchair .
13 I often have to get up with Graham , carry him into the living room and nurse him into the living room and nurse him on the armchair .
14 Next morning , she smiled at him over breakfast , drinking him in , for she must toil alone all day and bring him from the clay .
15 He had pleaded with his mother not to make him go to school , but she had insisted , saying that she would pick him up at the end of the day and take him to the hospital , and that he was to ‘ keep busy ’ .
16 It 's your job to evaluate the stuff and keep him on the ball .
17 Far from slaking his thirst , all his weekend with her had done was whet his appetite and leave him with a desperate craving for more .
18 and we 'll sort it out ourselves and what they do , if a customer says oh there 's a phone that 's broke , or it 's not working or something like that , they 'll say oh okay we 'll get in touch with the maintenance for you , you see , cos he 's making nowt out of it , if you say we dropped the phone and broke it , well we 'll send a and then they send an engin one of their blokes out with a replacement phone and charge him for a new one , once they say wants some re-programming doing , oh yeah were sending an engineer round and they get , the dealer then gets the money for it so all we get is the flack end of it you know so we , a service contract it 's priced because , low because you know you 're gon na make a bit on moves and changes
19 She had misunderstood the subtleties of their relationship and cast him as an ineffectual married man , always complaining of his wife , always on the chat-up , but never getting any further than that .
20 In theory , it is a simple matter to overthrow a wilting strongman and replace him with a civilian president conveniently waiting in the wings .
21 Vincent once tried to persuade him to give up his safe career and join him as a fellow painter — like other famous brothers in art history .
22 Hear us now as we attempt to contact Simon 's father and help him in the great spiritual work that awaits him in this prime time of his boyhood ! ’
23 Literally , Vitelli will kill her father and replace him with a son born of her .
24 Possibly too he aspired to this final showdown with his father in order to needle Theo , penetrate his tidy exterior and force him into the open .
25 Erm I mean I 'm concerned again through his eyesight that i were we to put him as the assistant and put him on a machine , that he might just put his hand somewhere and get his hand bloody trapped or whatever with his eyesight .
26 Give him a mug of cocoa and a big kiss and send him on a month 's leave .
27 He was entirely suited to enjoy the hospitality at the Castle , to relish Sir John 's venison and cranberry sauce and compliment him on the beauty of his larches .
28 Rory was late for their appointment , and when he arrived , Holdfast told him dourly to close the door and join him at the biggest table .
29 Sometimes he 's so determined he 's not going to go that we have to forcibly put him out of the door and get him into the car and get him there somehow .
30 Will the Minister take time in the next week , as a matter of urgency , to meet the Israeli ambassador and tell him about the feeling in the country generally that the Israeli Government are literally getting away with murder ?
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