Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [vb base] it with the " in BNC.

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1 P35 — At the end of the financial year the employer has to complete this return and send it with the completed P11 's to the Collector of Taxes .
2 Pound the garlic and mash it with the cod 's roe until the paste is quite smooth before gradually adding 3 tablespoons of the oil .
3 Coarsely chop the chicken and combine it with the soy sauces , rice wine or sherry , salt , sesame oil and cornflour .
4 First we raise one index and contract it with the remaining covector index to give .
5 We call this a reversible reaction and write it with the sign .
6 The sponsor of the project must evaluate offers and calculate the total cost of using a selected finance package and compare it with the cost of other sources of finance .
7 If your butcher will let you have a veal bone , scrape the marrow from the bone and cook it with the onion .
8 [ Remove the original signature with solvent and replace it with the legitimate owner 's name in her own handwriting .
9 Stun it with one dose and swat it with the next .
10 Legal advisers suggest that anyone wishing a piece of jewellery or other valuable to go to a particular person , should list such unofficial bequests on a piece of paper and keep it with the official will .
11 Opportunities are provided to appraise academic theory and integrate it with the practical skills required of graduates in professional situations .
12 So let us start with present-day society and compare it with the situation twenty years or so ago , and then compare that generation with its predecessor .
13 They would transform madness to lunacy and cure it with the three Ms : method , meat and morality .
14 What you have to do is rip the old keyboard overlay off the Spectrum , remove the membrane and replace it with the PCB which plugs into the normal connectors .
15 Fill in the booking form and return it with the full payment due .
16 The plan which the Governors had in mind — which was carried out with great success — was to demolish this house , build the first phase of the new Junior School where the house had stood , and finally to demolish the then Junior School and replace it with the second phase .
17 You had to go through all the misery and raise it with the danger of leaks all the time in some of the central international establishments in America .
18 It has joined forces with DeskStation Technology Inc and OPTi Inc to create the R4000PC RISCNT chip set and combine it with the OPTi 486EISAWB chip set to create a Windows NT desktop personal computer .
19 The argument was that if the right hemisphere can store a representation of the auditory set and compare it with the visual probe letter then there should be an advantage in reaction time to letters presented in the LVF compared to the RVF .
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