Example sentences of "[noun sg] and [adv] [v-ing] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At its eastern end two second-century buildings were identified , that to the south ( Building 2a ) lying at right angles to the frontage and apparently comprising a suite of rooms c. 7.5 by 3.5 m ( 24½ by 11½ ft ) , on Hamstone foundations .
2 Paisley reacted quickly by calling a rally in the Ulster Hall and then leading a march to the City Hall to protest ‘ at the lying eulogies now being paid to the Roman antichrist by non-Romanist Church leaders in defiance of their own historic creeds ’ .
3 For those brave enough to delve deeper into his works , many of which feature posses of short-haired young men stripped to the waist and invariably fighting a police state , a surprising number are available from the more imaginative video shops .
4 The old days of taking on board every issue and then establishing a committee to handle it can not continue .
5 Which is not to say he 's a hippy soul surfer , a revivalist sporting a long Malibu board and casually riding a wave 's length as if strolling in the park .
6 Entranced by the aphrodisiacs in his prawn cocktail , McAvennie began to visit his new girl every weekend , flying to the London nightlife and eventually provoking a dispute with Celtic manager Billy McNeill when he failed to show up for a Monday morning training session .
7 No the days were playing Shrewsbury Town at home — going in 2–0 down at half time — getting back to 2–2 , hitting the f**king post and then conceeding a goal in the last 5 minutes .
8 Transparencies can be revealed as the lesson progresses , thus focusing attention on the teaching point and also creating a sense of anticipation of what will be revealed next , ie helps to keep up interest .
9 Irina , turning on the hot water and vigorously mopping a plate , said , ‘ Do n't worry .
10 In a move variously described as ‘ ghoulish ’ , ‘ Machiavellian ’ and ‘ sick ’ , Mr Creed , it was alleged , had orchestrated this posthumous resignation , instructing expert embalmers to preserve the corpse and even arranging a photo session two days after Sir Charles 's death ( Sir Charles 's lifeless arm around Mr Creed 's shoulders ) so a picture could be released to the press along with a transcript of the letter of resignation .
11 Given the availability of very fast spectroscopic techniques , using either photographic recording or pulsed lasers , we can consider working with a non-flowing sample and simply recording a spectrum at some interval after sudden generation of the species , but before its decay is complete .
12 The whole purpose of a conference is about disagreeing with each other and then agreeing a statement as a compromise for whatever is reached at the end of the day .
13 Gary Young , 19 , of Raby Road , Hartlepool , admitted attempting to steal scrap metal and wilfully obstructing a PC , fined £100 plus £30 costs .
14 And Madam , I 'd also ask you to say that to him to pay compensation for the minor injuries she 's suf she 's suffered and of course you have to consider that 's a point in a case involving assault , would be to add insult to injury , and would not assist the parties in coming to terms with their relationship and hopefully attempting a reconciliation .
15 Take Public Sector Economics and also taking a couple of lectures there , one on Targeting Social Security and er another lecture on An Inefficient on the Official Poverty Line , erm if you want er , well you can get the details from , from me afterwards but something like that could well be on the notice board if you want to go along and see him .
16 And it has been said that local authorities are not always very sympathetic to acting as a choice of career and sometimes obtaining a grant may be more difficult if a student has evidently changed his or her career tack .
17 Besides , I can also allow myself to feel smug about not wasting paper and therefore saving a piece of forest .
18 Give hands an overnight treat by coating them with a rich conditioner and then donning a pair of lightweight vinyl gloves ( such as HandiMates , £1.09 for a box of 10 ) .
19 This is accomplished by first differentiating the freewheeling current signal and then using a comparator to find the time instants at which there is 110 change of current .
20 For a number of months , in each of the five case studies , all accidents meeting the definition and also involving a loss above an agreed threshold were recorded .
21 Morar , like neighbouring Knoydart , is wild and inhospitable , without roads in the interior and similarly featuring a loch that pierces the mountain barrier over a distance of twelve miles .
22 Being audible depends on your ability to project your voice and correctly using a microphone if one is available .
23 FINN HARPS keeper Chris Whelton scored two penalties in a thrilling 4-3 victory over Athol , a week after saving a penalty and then converting a spot kick in a 4-1 win over the same opponents .
24 The early pages underline the importance of mineral movement in creating the early railway and subsequently underpinning a network of local passenger train services .
25 Another had kept a continual eye on the grain trade by serving in a Red Army supply regiment and then managing a state grain-collecting centre .
26 A new word was recently coined to describe bodies such as English heritage : quangaroos — hopping about in a random fashion , getting in everyone 's way and generally making a nuisance of themselves at good rates of public pay .
27 Like a Napoleonic formation , the regiment lined up shoulder to shoulder in three tight echelons , the colonel at its head brandishing his cane and calmly smoking a cigar .
28 If you have children , you may have experienced them coming home from school and immediately throwing a tantrum in front of you .
29 They all shot well ; even Elizabeth slew a deer , loosing too high at a stag and accidentally killing a hind beyond it .
30 It is interesting to note , therefore , that close examination of a scrummage during the Scotland v England match reveals Mr. Sole attempting the aforementioned manoeuvre and indeed winning a penalty .
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